2017 考博英语 阅读题源经济学人文章每日精析(四十七)
据美国媒体报道,距离美国候任总统特朗普(Donald Trump)宣誓就职仅剩一个多月,但相信他能成为一名好总统的美国人很少。根据哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)最新公布的一项民意调查,多数美国人担忧特朗普入主白宫后,他的生意往来跟政治决策之间会发生利益冲突。调查显示,只有34%的美国人认为特朗普将是一个合格或者优秀的总统,有36%的受访者相信,他将是一个糟糕的总统。对特朗普的信心在两党之间差距非常大。共和党中有70%的人表示,预计这名亿万富翁商人能当一个合格或者优秀的总统,而60%的民主党人则认为,特朗普的执政表现将“糟糕”甚至“非常糟糕”。
The hardest deal
How Donald Trump should handle conflicts of interest
An arm’s-length arrangement is both principled and practical
Nov 26th 2016
WHEN Americans elected a businessman as president they created a problem: the risk of conflicts between his business interests and his political role. Already, red lights are flashing.Chinahas just resolved a long-standing legal dispute in Mr Trump’s favour. A developer inIndiahas been marketing a new Trump-branded 75-storey skyscraper under the slogan: “Congratulations Mr President-Elect”.
developer [dɪ'veləpə(r)]:(房地产)开发商
storey ['stɔːrɪ]:楼层
The danger of the White House becoming a subsidiary of the Trump Organisation is real. Some are demanding that Mr Trump liquidate his business. Mr Trump’s allies say he can do what he likes under the law. Both sides want to shred the conventions governing the Oval Office. Instead, Mr Trump should be treated like every American president. He must ring-fence his private interests and put them under independent supervision. It is the only fix that is both principled and practical. If Mr Trump wants to govern without being dogged by second-guessing about how his businesses are contaminating his policies, it is in his own interests, too.
America is not about to become UkraineorRussia, where politicians own the commanding heights of the economy. The Trump Organisation is too small and parochial for that (see article). About 70% of its value resides in ten domestic properties. Worth some $4bn, it would beAmerica’s 833rd-largest firm if it was listed. But it is easy to see how abuses might occur given the slipperiness of Mr Trump and his attempts to franchise his brand abroad. He might take decisions about rules that help his firm, or give perks to those he wants to do deals with. Officials, rivals and foreign governments might treat the company differently so as to curry favour with the president.
curry favour with:讨好;阿谀奉承;巴结
commanding heights:制高点; 命脉;
parochial [pə'rəʊkɪəl]:范围有限的;狭小的;狭隘的
The law is frustratingly silent on how to avoid such dangers. The president and vice-president areexempt from laws stopping members of the executive from directly owning firms. Mr Trump’s proposed solution is to pass control to his three eldest children—Donald, Ivanka and Eric. But they do not enjoy separate business identities from their father, having always been subordinate to him. They have also been involved in his campaign and preparations for the White House. To pass them the keys to the organisation would not create sufficient distance between the president and his business affairs.
exempt from [ɪg'zem(p)t]:免除;豁免
An alternative is for Mr Trump to liquidate his assets. But that is impractical. His inauguration is less than 60 days away. To prepare an initial public offering for a well-run firm takes a year. Given its poor disclosure, obscure legal structure and lack of professional management, no reputable investor would buy the Trump Organisation outright. Some of its best properties could be sold quickly, but the drossmight take years to offload. The precedent set by a liquidation would also be bad for America, because it would mean that anyone who had built a company would be less likely to run for high office.
Liquidate ['lɪkwɪdeɪt]:n.清算,变卖
Inauguration [ɪ,nɔːgjʊ'reɪʃ(ə)n]
Dross [drɒs] : n.残渣,残次品,废料
The best solution is for Mr. Trump to follow precedent and put his assets at arm’s length. The business should also be transparent to Congress and the public. Three steps are required. First, the firm mustaggregate its legal entities under one holding company and publish consolidated accounts that capture its entire scope of activity. Second, an independent board of directors must be appointed, and it must appoint an external chief executive. Lastly, this board must be given a mandate that allows it to sell, but not buy, assets; and that requires it to distribute all profits as dividends and to refrain from new foreign investments. The effect would be to turn the Trump Organization into a mature portfolio of domestic property assets which generate rental payments for the Trumps.
at arm’s length: 在手臂伸的到的地方,疏远,保留各自主张
aggregate ['ægrɪgət] : v.合计,总计
legal entities: 法人
holding company: 控股公司
mandate ['mændeɪt] : n.授权,任期,授权令
portfolio [pɔːt'fəʊlɪəʊ] :
Don’t blemish the brand
If ethical concerns do not persuade Mr. Trump, commercial and political ones might.Already some worry that he may breach a clause in the constitution designed to prevent foreign countries from buying influence. If his conflicts led to disgrace, it would deter reputable firms from doing business with the Trump Organization. High politics, hard cash and close families can be a toxic mix for voters, as the Clintons found after Bill Clinton made $49m from speeches while his wife was secretary of state. This week Mr. Trump said he would “like to do something” to deal with conflicts of interest. Ring-fencing his business and ceding control to independent overseers would do the job.
Blemish ['blemɪʃ] : v.破坏完美,玷污
Deter [dɪ'tɜː] : v.阻止,威慑