2017 考博英语 阅读题源经济学人文章每日精析(二十九)
Money in India
Taking notes
The government transforms base money into nothingness (and gold)
Nov 12th 2016 | MUMBAI | From the print edition
NOT much distinguishes a valuable banknote from any old piece of printed paper, as Indians discovered this week. In a surprise televised address on November 8th, Narendra Modi, the prime minister, announced that the country’s two highest-denomination notes, worth 500 and 1,000 rupees ($7.50 and $15), were to be legally worthless with near-immediate effect. This odd variant of alchemy is the latest in a series of moves to curb illicit income; economists hope long-term gains will justify a chaoticspell as India adapts.
nothingness n. 虚无,不存在;空白;不存在的状态
worthless adj. 无价值的;不值钱的;卑微的
near-immediate effect:临时有效
illicit income:非法收入
Chaotic:混沌的; 一片混乱的; 一团糟的; 无秩序的。
The idea is not as barmy as it might first appear. Mr Modi has implemented a flurry of schemes to flush out “black money”, the term Indians use for cash which is both unaccounted for and outside its formal financial system. Piles of ill-gotten income have long been easy to launder into gold or property, where using notes for at least part of a purchase is the norm. “Demonetising” high-value tender (清偿)means existing notes must be traded in at banks and post offices before the end of the year. That will force those with suitcases of cash either to come clean or to renounce their loot.
flush out冲掉,排出;驱赶出来
black money:黑钱
ill-gotten income:非法收入
Still, it is dramatic: central banks usually balk at moves that call into question the legal worth of the notes they issue. The hastily discontinued tender represents 86% of all the currency in circulation(equivalent to 11% of GDP) in a country where cash remains king. Many Indian residents found themselves with little still-legal cash on hand ahead of a forcibly imposed bank holiday and a two-day shutdown of ATMs. A senior bank executive in Mumbai admitted to raiding his daughter’s piggy bankto pay for tolls on his way to work.
balk n. 障碍;错误vt. 阻止;推诿;错过vi. 犹豫;突然止步不前
call into question对…表示怀疑
Hastily:草草; 匆忙地,仓促地。
currency in circulation:流通中的货币
Forcibly:强制地; 强迫地; 强有力地; 有说服力地;
piggy bank:存钱罐
The prospect of life with little or no cash, at least for a few days, cheered those who think Indians should be switching to smartphone apps and card-based payments, which are easier for the authorities to track and tax. That laudable aim will take time in a country where nine out of every ten workers still toil in the informal sector. Though the number of Indians with bank accounts has risen sharply thanks to a government financial-inclusion scheme, most savings are still held outside the banking system. One-fifth of total economic output is said to be informal.
Toil:长时间或辛苦地工作; 艰难缓慢地移动; 跋涉。
Banks are among those who should gain from the scheme: much cash now secreted under mattressesshould make its way into their coffers or into the mutual funds they offer. Against that, the black-moneycrackdown will probably dent (or worse) already-fragile property prices, especially in big cities—and so the value of the collateral the banks lend against.
coffer:金库; 资金; 保险柜。
Collateral:担保物; 旁系亲属。
Most economists expect the dislocation to dampen growth in the short-term. Households will probably put off big-ticket purchases such as motorbikes or white goods. Jewellers, doctors and others in professions where cash still rules will also be hard hit. Political parties hoarding cash for election-time handouts to voters will have to tidy up their finances. Even e-commerce sites like Amazon will be affected: over two-thirds of their sales are settled by the buyers in cash on delivery.
Dislocation:位错; 混乱,紊乱。
white goods:白色货物,大型家用电器。
A new, shady line of work is already emerging: opportunists are said to be snapping up 1,000-rupee notes at a deep discount from those with too much stashed cash to declare. They will profit handsomely if they can find smaller savers willing to swap the old notes for new ones on their behalf, for a fee. The government has indicated it is gunning for those with suitcases full of rupees rather than merely a few stapled or elastic-banded wads.
Shady:背阴的; 可疑的; 隐蔽的; 名声不好的。
Stashed:藏匿; 隐藏; 贮藏。
Wad:填充物; 炮塞(弹塞); 小块软物; 可观的一卷纸币,大量的钱。
Some aspects of the plan are difficult to fathom. Prominent economists, such as Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University, are keen to scrap big-denomination notes altogether. But India will merely replace them. Worse, it will add a 2,000-rupee series—introducing a note that will have few conceivable uses other than mattress-stuffing, smuggling or gambling (getting change for even a 500-rupee note is already close to impossible).
这个计划的一些方面是难以揣测的。一些著名经济学家,如哈佛大学的Kenneth Rogoff,都倾向于去完全废除大额钞票。但是,印度将仅仅只是去进行更替。更糟糕的是,他们将增加面额2000卢比的钞票,除了塞在床垫下面,进行走私和赌博使用之外,很难想象这些钞票会用在什么地方(因为甚至将500卢比的钞票兑换零钱已经几乎是不可能的)
Scrap:报废; 废弃; 取消; 抛弃。
The timing is also odd. India has recently introduced a system that makes it easy for anybody to make or receive payments from their mobile phone, whether they be businesses or individuals. But the Unified Payments Interface, as it is known, is still in the early stages of implementation, so cannot really help overcome the current cash-crunch. Mr Modi also took the cash out of circulation just as polls opened in America, eventually roiling markets.
Crunch:嘎吱声; 决定性冲突; 危急情况; 经济收缩。
Cancelling banknotes is usually the work of desperate or misguided regimes. This looks different. Indeed, the assault on black money is justified and overdue. But governments change the rules on the world’s simplest financial instrument—the humble banknote—at their peril. Gold is already favoured by those who want to keep their savings beyond the reach of government and taxman. Gold bugs may feel vindicated; others will have taken note.
Regimes:政治制度,政权,政体; 管理,方法。
Assault:攻击; 袭击,进攻; 威胁,殴打; 侵犯人身。