2017 考博英语 阅读题源经济学人文章每日精析(二十三)
Christianity and history
The search goes on
The West has gained a lot from Christianity. There is still more to learn
Nov 5th 2016 | From the print edition
IN THE early years of the Enlightenment, a few brave philosophers challenged the Christian order—an apparently hopeless task. But their efforts paid off, and tomes have since been written, by authors from Diderot to Richard Dawkins, about the triumph of secular man. What, after all, has Christianity ever done for us
在启蒙运动的前几年,几位勇敢的哲学家挑战了基督教秩序——显然,这是一项毫无希望的任务。但是他们的努力奏效了,自此,从狄德罗(狄德罗(Denis Diderot ,1713年10月5日 —1784年7月30日),生于郎格勒。平民出身,法国启蒙思想家、唯物主义哲学家,作家,百科全书派的代表人物。)到理查德·道金斯(理查德·道金斯(Richard Dawkins,1941年3月26日-),英国著名演化生物学家、动物行为学家和科普作家,英国皇家科学院院士,牛津大学教授,是当今仍在世的最著名、最直言不讳的无神论者和演化论拥护者之一,有“达尔文的罗威纳犬”(Darwin's Rottweiler)的称号。),这些作家开始撰写一本关于凡人的巨著。那么基督教究竟为我们做了什么贡献
Triumph: n 巨大的成就
paid off :取得成功
Secular :a 世俗的
Rather a lot, argues Nick Spencer in an excellent new book, “The Evolution of the West”. Mr Spencer, who is research director at Theos, a religious think-tank in London, picks up from Larry Siedentop’s epic work from 2014, “Inventing the Individual”—a reassertion of how much the Western world owes to Christianity. It is not a popular thesis but, like a prophet crying in the post-modern wilderness, Mr Spencer provokes reflection that goes far beyond the shallow ding-dongs of the modern culture wars. He wants to make sure Westerners know where they came from as a way to illuminate where they are going.
Reassertion: n 再主张
Starting with the ancient world, he takes the reader on an extravagant journey to meet, among many others, Augustine of Hippo and John Locke as well as Thomas Piketty. The author believes that the fact that Christianity became the religion of the European establishment has blinded people to what a revolutionary doctrine it was (and is). And he clearly believes it can still play a role. The Christianisation of Europe, he says, was not a bunch of reactionary clerics trying to shut down a noble, free, secular ancient world, but a new idea of “a voluntary basis for human association in which people joined together through will and love rather than blood or shared material objectives”. Christianity declared that humans “have access to the deepest reality as individuals rather than merely as members of a group”.
Reactionary: a 反动的
Out of this, with a reinjection at the Reformation, came the origins of the modern world: a belief in equality of status as the proper basis for a legal system and the assertion of natural rights leading to individual liberty, as well as the notion that a society built on the assumption of moral equality should have a representative form of government.
Assertion: n.主张
Assumption: n.假设
The book is not a tragic lament for lost Christendom. Mr Spencer is frank about the sins of the church. But too often, he says, they blind people to the communal, psychological, educational and creative benefits that have flowed from Christian belief. And he worries about how the absence of deep cultural norms will play out in the West. Can secular creeds bind people together now that there is plenty of pluribus but not much unum
Tragic: adj. 悲惨的
Frank:adj. 坦率的
Secular creeds:世俗主义
Shorn of its establishment baggage, Mr Spencer argues, Christianity still has much to say to an amnesiac world about human dignity, political freedom and economic inequality. And, quoting William Wilberforce, he warns that Christian values are inseparable from Christianity itself.
Amnesiac:adj. 记忆缺失的
Inseparable:adj. 分不开的
After the aggression of the God v science debates, Mr Spencer’s book is a gentler, though no less provocative, contribution to the discussion. It is beautifully written, too. The author believes that not everyone in the West is disenchanted with religious faith, and that the end of religion is no nearer than Francis Fukuyama’s end of history. Lurking everywhere in the secularised West is what he calls a “disenchantment with disenchantment”. People still want more than just freedom and choice. They want to belong, they want community rooted in something shared and they want to find meaning beyond themselves. “Having arrived at the secular self,” says Mr Spencer, “we kept on searching.”
在上帝与自然激烈的辩论之后,斯宾塞先生的书是一场温和但不张扬的讨论。而且写的十分优美。作者认为在西方,不是每个人都有宗教信仰的幻想,宗教的结束与法兰西斯·福山(法兰西斯·福山(Francis Fukuyama)生于1952年10月27日,日裔美籍学者。哈佛大学政治学博士,现任约翰霍普金斯大学、保罗·尼采高级国际问题研究院、舒华兹讲座、国际政治经济学教授,曾师从塞缪尔·亨廷顿。)的历史结束不同。潜伏在世俗化西方的各个角落,他将其称为“清醒的觉悟”。人们想要的不仅仅是自由和选择。他们想要有归属感,他们想要共同立足共享之地,他们想找到超越自我的意义。“找到了世俗的自我之后”斯宾塞先生说,“我们仍将继续寻找。”
Aggression:n. 侵略
Provocative:adj. 挑衅的
Disenchanted:adj. 不再抱有幻想的
Disenchantment: n.醒悟