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More of the same老生常谈
Elections in Morocco 摩洛哥选举
The challenge to provide more modernity and authenticity对能够带来更多现代性和真实性的质疑
Oct 15th 2016 | RABAT | From the print edition
AT HIS final rally before Moroccans went to the polls on October 7th, Abdelilah Benkirane, the incumbent prime minister, took a moment from lauding the economy to attack his rivals. The Authenticity and Modernity Party (PAM) were bandits, he said, and drug dealers. He questioned whether they loved their children and taunted the monarchy-controlled press who’d backed them from the start.
Laud : v. 赞扬;赞美;称赞Taunt : v. 辱骂;嘲笑;讽刺;奚落 n. 嘲笑(或讽刺、奚落等)的言辞
He had good reasons to be upset. Mr Benkirane’s ruling Justice and Development Party (PJD) claims to have encountered big obstacles in the run up to the election. The press was plainly skewed in favour of the opposition while the king himself seemed to many to be pulling strings in an election he is supposed, as a constitutional monarch, to stay out of. The Ministry of the Interior, run by a close friend of the king’s, was also forced to deny it had organised an anti-PJD rally.他难过失望情有可原。本·基兰掌管的正义与发展党(正发党)称,他们在竞选准备中就遇到了很多大麻烦。媒体一边倒地偏袒对手。按理说君主立宪制国家的国王本不应该干涉选举,然而在大多数人看来,摩洛哥国王似乎正在利用自己的权力幕后操纵选举结果。由其亲信控制的内政部曾经组织过反对正义与发展党的集会,但被迫对此予以否认。
Run-up:助跑,预备阶段Plainly: adv. 清晰地;明显地;清楚地Skew: v. 使不公允;影响…的准确性;偏离;歪斜Pull strings:在幕后牵线,暗中操纵,从事幕后活动;
Despite the whiff of royal electioneering, the PJD found its way to victory, increasing its seats in parliament from 107 to 125. Driss Ksikes, a local journalist, says the prime minister has so far failed to take full advantage of powers ceded to parliament in the wake of 2011’spro-democracy protests. Now “he could be more confident to use the authority already given,” he says.
Cede: n. 割让;让给;转让Pro-democracy:支持民主的
As last time, neither side has a majority. The crucial question now is who the PJD will deal with. In 2011 they drew on the support of eight other parties, shutting out the PAM. This time, the PAM has eaten away at those coalition partners and moved from fourth- to second-largest party. But the party’s secretary-general, Ilyas El Omari, ruled out entering government with the PJD. Mr Benkirane, for his part, had already dismissed the idea
.与上次相同,没有任何一边占上风,现在最重要的问题是正义与发展党将会与谁成为对手。在2011年,他们利用其他八个政党的支持,把PAM排除在外,这次PAM合并那些联盟伙伴并从第四大变为了第二政党。然而该党的秘书长Iymas EI Omari排除了PJD执政的可能性。于Benkirane而言,他早已打消了这个念头。
Rule out:排除,不可能
The PJD may find it difficult to form a new coalition. One of its former partners, the conservative Istiqlal party, took 46 seats in the election. But it fell out with the PJD in 2013 over the government’s economic reforms. Another former partner, the centre-right National Rally of Independence, won 37 seats, but it has said it would not link up with the Islamists again. Other parties that won seats are small and politically divided.PJD
The turnout—reported at 43%—was worst in cities, with the young and educated especially difficult to motivate. Outside the central train station in Rabat, Bilal, an urbane 32-year-old, said he hadn’t voted, “because I don’t believe it would change anything”. As with many young people, he supported the 2011 protests; but the momentum towards democracy which followed the Arab Spring has been replaced by disenfranchisement and a reluctance on the part of the government to challenge the monarchy. Now that it is (probably) back in power, that could just change. “This is a fight for democracy,” a PJD minister told The Economist on the night before the election. Now the voting is over, it remains to be seen if it stays that way.
据报道城市中投票率最低,只有43%,尤其难以发动青年人以及受过教育的人。在拉巴特的中心火车站外,32岁的城镇人Bilal说他并没有投票, ‘因为我想不会有任何改变。’期待您的翻译。如今,PJD很可能重新掌权,这可能随时会发生改变。PJD的部长在选举的前一个晚上告诉经济学人‘这是一场为了争取民主的战斗’如今,投票活动已经结束,是否会达到期望,还有待观察。
Remain to be seen :有待观察
This article appeared in the Print Edition with the headline: More of the same 这篇文章以‘More of the Same的题目出现在印刷版上’。阿拉伯之春(阿拉伯语:الثورات العربية)是西方媒体所称的阿拉伯世界的一次革命浪潮。自2010年12月突尼斯一些城镇爆发民主运动以来,阿拉伯世界一些国家民众纷纷走上街头,要求推翻本国的专制政体的行动,并乐观地把“一个新中东即将诞生”预见为这个运动的前景,认为这个“阿拉伯之春”属于“谙熟互联网、要求和世界其它大部分地区一样享有基本民主权利的年轻一代”。