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2018 考博英语词汇 语法模拟练习题附答案解析(七)

考博英语 词汇语法题型是多数博士招生院校考察的,这类题选填的词多为考研和CET6中的拔高级词汇, 就算词级在认识难度上低些的词,却又在考词义辨析。因此,大家要尽可能的扩充词汇量,并加强对一些易混词汇的辨识。下面考博信息网|http://www.kaoboinfo.com教育考博英语频道为大家整理了2018考博英语词汇语法模拟练习题附答案解析,希望对大家复习有所帮助。


1.She refused to ___ the door key to the landlady until she got ba ck herdeposit.

A. hand in B.hand outC.hand down D.hand over

2.I've never been to Lhasa, but that's the city___.

A.I'd most like to visit B. where I like to visit C. which I like to visit mostlyD. I'd like much to visit

3. He ___ unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful.

A. may have acted B. must have acted C. should act D. would act

4.If you have really been studying English for so long.It's about t i me you ___ able to write letters in English.

A. should beB. wereC. must beD . are

5.He's ___ as a “bellyacher” —— he's always complaining about some thing.

A. who is known B. whom is known C. what is known D. which is known

6. The government____ to approve the use of wide-spead surveillance when the Justice Department took objections.

A. is going

B. had been

C. was about

D. is coming

7. Although ____ Spanish, he attended the course.

A. he was knowing B. he is knowing

C. having a knowledge of D. knows

8. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are so excited today, for they bought____ yesterday.

A. many furnitures

B. so much furniture

C. many piece of furniture

D. a lot of furniture

9. Despite their good service provided, most inns are less expensive than hotels of____standards.

A. equivalent

B. likely

C. alike

D. uniform

10. The back garden of our house contains a lawn, ____ very pleasant to sit on in summer.

A. which is B. which it is C. it is D. where it is


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