2018 考博英语词汇 语法模拟练习题附答案解析(五)
考博英语 词汇语法题型是多数博士招生院校考察的,这类题选填的词多为考研和CET6中的拔高级词汇, 就算词级在认识难度上低些的词,却又在考词义辨析。因此,大家要尽可能的扩充词汇量,并加强对一些易混词汇的辨识。下面考博信息网|http://www.kaoboinfo.com教育考博英语频道为大家整理了2018考博英语词汇语法模拟练习题附答案解析,希望对大家复习有所帮助。
1、At post offices one buys stamps, leaves ____ letters, sends parcels or money orders, etc.
A) registered B) rejectedC) regulated D) reflected
2.In this workshop they ____ a vehicle in less than half an hour.
A) eject B) fabricateC) assemble D) resemble
3.No matter how little money we have, we should get into the habit of ____some in the bank regularly.
A) laying B) withdrawingC) putting D) depositing
4.The lovely picture ____ me of my happy childhood.
A) retained B) refreshedC) recollected D) reminded
5.I couldn’t finish my paper because the computer ____.
A) took down B) broke downC) tore down D) fell
6.There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain c limbing than ___ in the public mind today.
A. exists B. existC. existing D. to exist
7.The scientists have absolute freedom as to what research they think i t best to___.
A. engage B. devote C. seekD. pursue
8.The Olympic Games ___ in 776 B.C. in Olympia, a small town in Gree ce.
A. originatedB.stemmed C. derived D.descended
9. We should always bear in mind that ___ decisions often result in se rious co nsequences.
A. urgent B.instantC. prompt D. hasty
10.The fact that the management is trying to reach agreement___five separate unions has led to long negotiations.
A. over B.in C.upon D. with