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  Overview of School of Public Health
  Kunming Medical University
  School of Public Health was founded in 1979it was formerly known as Hygiene Department of Kunming Medical University KMU).In 1989it was renamed as Department of Preventive MedicineWith the developments of KMUDepartment of Preventive Medicine was renamed as School of Public Health in 2001There are 2 specialities at the schoolPreventive Medicine and Health Service Management for undergraduates and the later speciality was set up in 2002Preventive medicine is the core constructive speciality of institutions of higher learning in Yunnan Province and is also the characteristic constructive speciality of institutions of higher learning in Yunnan ProvinceThe school has 5 master degree programswhich are Epidemiology and Health StatisticsSocial Medicine and Health Service ManagementOccupational and Environmental HealthChild-adolescent and Maternal HealthHygiene ToxicologyAdditionallythe school offers master degree of public healthMPH).School of Public Health has been the most important institute of public health training in Yunnan Provinceand also been the joint base for postgraduate education between KMU and Yunnan Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  Two levels management pattern is performed at School of Public HealthSchool of Public Health consists of 2 offices5 departments and 3 centersnamelyOffice of Party and Administration and Office of Student AffairsDepartment of Epidemiology and Health StatisticsDepartment of Environmental Health and Occupational MedicineDepartment of Nutrition and Food SciencesDepartment of Community Health/Child-adolescent and Maternal CareDepartment of Health Service Management and Health EconomicsLaboratory Center for Preventive MedicineTraining Center for Preventive Medicine and Yunnan Training Center for General Practice
  School of Public Health owns a teaching and researching team with rigorous scholarshipstrong sense of responsibilitysolid professional knowledgebrilliance teaching characters and great teamwork spiritThere are 59 full-time staffs at this school including 9 professors and 15 associate professorsMembers of the KMU School of Public Health faculty have many achievements and received many honors and major academic and research awardsincluding
  1 core teaching staff of National Department of Education
  1 youth academic pioneer of Yunnan Province
  3 backup talents of youth academic pioneer of Yunnan Province
  1 teaching and research pioneer of institutions of higher learning in Yunnan Province
  1 “Light of West”grant
  Only in 2008
  Over 50 publications 4 SCI
  1 monographs
  Over 8 textbooks
  2 provincial science and technology progress awards the third prize2 national patent copyrights
  Up to nowover 1600 students have graduated from School of Public HealthThe motto is “devoting to border areascollaborating and communicatinghard working and broad studyinghelping all with virtue and knowledge”They all dedicate to improve the public healthand many of them have been leaders or pioneers in public health field
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