姓名 李维仲
院系 能源与动力学院
办公电话 0411-84708774
电子信箱 wzhongli@dlut.edu.cn
更新时间 2010-7-9
1998年10月-2002年01月 英国Nottingham Trent University 计算流体力学专业,获PhD学位;
1992年09月-1993年07月 清华大学,热能系,高级访问学者;
1986年09月-1988年07月 大连理工大学,热能工程专业,获工学硕士学位;
1978年03月-1982年01月 东北电力学院,电厂热能动力专业,获工学学士学位.
82年01月-86年09月 抚顺石油学院 石油化工机械系任教,助教,热工教研室副主任;
88年07月-92年09月 抚顺石油学院 石油化工机械系任教,讲师,热工教研室主任;
93年07月-94年01月 抚顺石油学院 石油化工机械系任教,讲师,热工教研室主任;
94年01月-98年10月 大连理工大学 动力工程系,副教授,热能工程教研室副主任;
02年1月-现在 大连理工大学 能源与动力学院,教授,博士生导师,能源与动力学院副院长。
研究领域(研究课题) :
1)W.Z. Li and Y.Y. Yan, An alternating dependent variables(ADV) method for treating slip-boundary conditions of free surface flow with heat and mass transfer, Numerical Heat Transfer (An International Journal of Computation and Methodology), Part B, Vol. 41 (2), pp. 165-189 (2002), (EI & SCI).
2)W.Z. Li and Y.Y. Yan, A direct-predictor method for solving terminal shape of a gas bubble rising through a quiescent liquid, Numerical Heat Transfer (An International Journal of Computation and Methodology), Part B, Vol. 42 (1) pp. 55-71 (2002), (EI & SCI).
3)Y.Y. Yan, W.Z. Li and J.M. Smith, Numerical modelling of fluid flow with heat and mass transfer at the surface of a gas bubble, Trans. IChemE, Vol. 86 (6), Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, pp. 674-680 (2002), (EI & SCI).
4)Y.Y. Yan and W.Z. Li, Numerical investigations of the flow and heat and mass transfer at the surface of a spherical gas bubble, Int. J. Transport Phenomena, Vol. 4 (3), pp. 209-224 (2002).
5)W.Z. Li, Y.Y. Yan and J.M. Smith, A numerical study of the interfacial transport characteristics outside spheroidal bubbles and solids, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 29 (3) 435-460(2003) (EI & SCI).
6)W.Z. Li, Y.Y. Yan and J.B. Hull, The propagation of temperature and concentration fields around a deformed gas bubble rising in a quiescent hot or bi-solution liquid, Int. J. of Numerical Methods for Heat Fluid Flow,13(8),940-963(2003) , (EI & SCI).
7)Y.Y. Yan, W.Z. Li and J.M. Smith, Numerical simulation of the behaviour of a single deformable bubble in two-phase flow, Proceedings of 12th International Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. 3, pp. 575-580, Grenoble, France, 18-22, August 2002.
8)Y.Y. Yan, W.Z. Li and J.M. Smith, Numerical modelling of fluid flow and heat and mass transfer at the surface of a non-spherical (deformable) gas bubble, 7th UK National Conference on Heat Transfer, Nottingham (2001).
9)W.Z. Li, Y.Y. Yan, S. Ashforth-Frost and K. Jambunanthan, Numerical simulation of flow field around a rising bubble by using non-orthogonal BFC, In: Heat Transfer Science and Technology 2000, ISBN 7-04-008955-6, Proc. 5th International Symposium on Heat Transfer, pp.574-579, Beijing (2000).(ISTP)
10)W.Z. Li and Y.Y. Yan, CFD-aided design for heat transfer surfaces of an automotive radiator, Proc. of International Conference on Gearing, Transmissions, and Mechanical Systems, ISBN 1 86058 260 5, pp. 805-814, Nottingham (2000).(ISTP)
11)Y.Y. Yan and W.Z. Li, Modelling condensation heat transfer in vapour axial flow outside a horizontal tube. 6UK National Heat Transfer Conference, Edinburgh, IMechE Conference Transactions, pp. 271-277, (1999). (ISTP)
12)W.Z. Li and Y.Y. Yan, An investigation on heat transfer performance of a new type of plate heat exchanger with dimple geometry. 6UK National Heat Transfer Conference, Edinburgh, IMechE Conference Transactions, pp. 19-25, (1999).(ISTP)
13)李维仲等,1996,电厂锅炉热力及佣分析计算软件,大连理工大学学报,36(6), pp451-455. (被EI 收录)
14)李维仲,沈胜强, 1997,水平圆管外蒸汽库特流动的凝结换热,大连理工大学学报,37, 4,pp431-434. (被EI 收录)
15)刘晓华,李维仲和崔峨, 1998,饱和蒸汽轴向流过水平圆管外凝结换热的研究,大连理工大学学报,38(3),pp286-289(被EI 收录).
16)刘晓华,李维仲等,1999,水平管外蒸气轴向流动凝结换热数值解析的新解,石油化工高等学校学报,12,pp73-77(被EI 收录).
18)沈胜强,李维仲,2000,直肋片最佳肋片厚度的理论关系式,节能, 3, pp6-8.
22)李维仲,沈胜强,葛玉林, Yuying Yan, 数值预测气泡形状演变对温度和浓度场的影响, 热科学与技术,1(1),pp.61-67 2002.
23)赵大勇,李维仲,VOF方法中几种界面重构技术比较, 热科学与技术,2(4),318-323, (2003)
24)Shiming Xu, Weizhong Li, Li Zhang, Yali Guo, Shenlin Quan, A new thermal energy storage technology: Refrigerating /Heating Potential storage technology, Energy and Environment, Proceedings of the Int. Conference on energy and the environment, Dec. 2003, Shanghai China. 1047-1052,2003.(Ei)
25)Y.Y. Yan, C. R. Gentle, H. Lai, W.Z. Li, Recent advances in computational modeling of multi-phase transport phenomena in energy engineering, Energy and Environment, Proceedings of the Int. Conference on energy and the environment, Dec. 2003, Shanghai China. 599-606. (Ei)
26)杨勃,李维仲,热质渗透壁面的饱和多孔介质通道流动与热质传递的数值模拟,热科学与技术,3(4),309-313, (2004)
27)杨健,郑耀,李维仲,微流道中生化分离的分子动力学模拟研究,第十二届全国计算流体力学会议论文集, 2004年8月,西安。
28)Yang Jian, Zheng Yao and Li Weizhong,Direct simulation of micro-fluid for MEMS with application in bioseparation, The 6th Young Scientists Conference on Design and Manufacturing Sciences , The 6th S.M. Wu Symposium on Manufacturing Sciences, 2004, Xi’an China。
29)Jianshu MU, Weizhong LI, Xiaohua LIU,An Investigation on the Behavior of a Rising Ice Particle Through a Quiescent Hot Solution,5th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion,Xi’an, China, 3-6 July 2005。
30)Bo Yang, Weizhong Li,A Numerical Simulation of Effects of Wall permeability on Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Medium with Constant Heat Flux Boundary,5th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion,Xi’an, China, 3-6 July 2005。
31)Yan Qin, Weizhong Li,A numerical simulation on heat transfer in ice melting by using the moving mesh technique,5th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion,Xi’an, China, 3-6 July 2005。
32)Yali Guo, Shengqiang Shen, Weizhong Li,An investigation on pressure-difference of tomatoes in a corrugated paper carton,International Conference on Compressor and Refrigeration, ICCR 2005,July 19-22,2005,Dalian, China
33)Yali Guo, Shengqiang Shen, Weizhong Li,An experimental investigation on pressure-difference of tomatoes in a corrugated paper carton,Proceedings of the International Conference on the Cooling and Heating Technology, January 10-13, 2005, Hanoi, Vietnam.
37)Y. Y. Yan and W. Z. Li, Numerical modeling of a vapour bubble growth in uniformly superheated liquid, Int. J. Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow,16(7),764-778,(2006).
39)Weizhong Li, Shuai Tian, Yifu Zhang,The synchronous observation of a rising soluble bubble through a quiescent solution,The 2th International Conference on Cooling and Heating Technologies, Tokyo,Japan, (2007)359-365。
40)S.L.Quan, W.Z.Li,Freezing morphology of a water droplet impacting on a cold solid surface,International Congress of Refrigeration ,Beijing (2007),1-5。
42)董志强,李维仲,陈建峰,吕和祥,柱状填料丝促进液相强制对流传质的Lattice Boltzmann模拟,工程力学,2008,25(6),195-198. EI。
43)Jing Cui and Weizhong Li, Numerical Simulation of frost formation for fin-tube, ICCHT2008 - 4th International Conference on Cooling and Heating Technologies. Jinhae, Korea 28-31 October 2008.303-310.
44)Yifu Zhang and Weizhong Li, An exact numerical method on tracking bubble coalescence, ICCHT2008 - 4th International Conference on Cooling and Heating Technologies. Jinhae, Korea 28-31 October 2008.575-584.
45)Yang Liu and Weizhong Li, Numerical simulation on annular flow in a small diameter T-junction, ICCHT2008 - 4th International Conference on Cooling and Heating Technologies. Jinhae, Korea 28-31 October 2008.685-692.
46)Shenlin Quan, Weizhong Li,Sehngqiang Shen,Experimental investigation of water droplet impinging a dry arc solid surface, ICCHT2008 - 4th International Conference on Cooling and Heating Technologies. Jinhae, Korea 28-31 October 2008.533-546.
47)Yali Guo, Sehngqiang Shen, Weizhong Li, Numerical investigation of the evolution of nanofluid droplet during evaporation with lattice Boltzmann method, ICCHT2008 - 4th International Conference on Cooling and Heating Technologies. Jinhae, Korea 28-31 October 2008.379-386.
48)Li Wei-Zhong, Chen Cong and Yang Jian, Molecular dynamics simulation of self-diffusion coefficient and its relation with temperature using simple Lennard-Jones potential, Heat transfer-Asian research, 2008, 37(2),86-93. EI,
49)Cong Chen and Weizhong Li, Diffusion controlled ice growth with soft impingement inside biological cells during freezing, CryoLetters, 2008, 29 (5), 371-381. SCI, EI
53)Zhiqiang Dong, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song•Lattice Boltzmann simulation of growth and deformation for a rising vapor bubble through superheated liquid•Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A•2009•55(4)•381-400;(EI & SCI)
55)Cong Chen, WeiZhong Li, YongChen Song, Jian Yang. Hydrogen Bonding Analysis of Glycerol Aqueous Solutions: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2009, 146(1-2):23-28. (SCI)
56)Li Wei-Zhong, Chen Cong, Yang Jian. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Self-Diffusion Coefficient and Its Relation with Temperature Using Simple Lennard-Jones Potential. Heat Transfer—Asian Research, 2008, 37(2):86-93. (EI)
57)Cong Chen, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song, Jian Yang. Molecular dynamics simulation studies of cryoprotective agent solutions: the relation between melting temperature and the ratio of hydrogen bonding acceptor to donor number. Molecular Physics, 2009, 107(7):673-684. (SCI)
59)陈聪,李维仲. 甘油水溶液氢键特性的分子动力学模拟. 物理化学学报,2009,25(3):505-512. (SCI)
60)陈聪,李维仲. 氢键受体与供体数目比与溶质浓度的关系. 化学学报,2009,67(9):883-887. (SCI)
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