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姓名 解茂昭
院系 能源与动力学院
办公电话 0411-84706302
电子信箱 xmz@dlut.edu.cn
更新时间 2008-7-14
解茂昭 男,1944年11月生于四川成都,1967年毕业于北京航空航天大学,1970-1978年在航空部011基地第一设计所任设计员。1978考取北航空气动力学专业研究生,1979年10月由教育部公派出国,获德国政府(DAAD)奖学金,在德国Braunschweig理工大学留学,1982年4月回国到大连理工大学任教。1991年晋升为教授,1993年起享受 国务院特殊津贴,1995年被聘为博士生导师,曾先后兼任研究生院副院长和校图书馆馆长,现为能源与动力学院教授,院学位评定分委员会主席。   长期从事计算热物理(湍流流动、传热传质和燃烧过程的数值模拟)学科的教学与科研工作。80年代初率先在国内开展内燃机燃烧过程多维数学模型的研究,是国内该领域的开拓者之一。90年代初开始与德国亚琛(Avachen)理工大学合作进行阴燃与火灾机理的研究。1995年起,与德国爱尔兰根(Erlangen) 大学合作开展多孔介质燃烧器的理论研究。先后主持完成了国家自然科学基金、国家攀登计划(子课题), 国家教委博士点基金,中国船舶总公司“八五”、“九五”国防科技预研重点项目、国家重点基础研究发展规划项目“973计划”(子课题)等10项重要科研课题,在国内外重要期刊和国际会议上发表学术论文160余篇(其中SCI收录14篇,EI收录101余篇),出版专著两部,获省部级奖励3项。其中《内燃机计算燃烧学》一书,是国际上第一部公开出版的系统地介绍该新兴学科理论、方法和成就的著作。长期以来,与国际学术界保持密切联系,先后十余次出国参加国际会议、进行合作研究和学术交流,与德、日多所大学建立了稳定的合作关系;近年来,先后3次获德意志学术交流中心科研奖金、一次获日本政府科技厅科研奖金。
研究领域(研究课题) :
1 舰船柴油机缸内流态和湍流特性(91J32.1.1②) 中船总国防预研基金 1992-1994
2 阴燃机理及其转为火焰的过程(59276275) 国家自然科学基金 1993-1995
3 高压瞬态喷雾分裂与雾化机理(59176266) 国家自然科学基金 1992-1994
4 柴油机燃烧与性能预测软件( 中船总“八五”国防预研项目 1991-1995
5 火花点火内燃机缸内三维流动的数值模拟(85-06-1-1②) 国家攀登计划A 1993-1997
6 高Pe舰船柴油机缸内流动特性(23.4.1②) 中船总“九五”国防预研重点项目 1997-2000
7 极稀薄混合气在往复式流动下的超绝热燃烧(50076005) 国家自然科学基金 2001-2003
8. 稀薄均质混合气压燃着火和燃烧反应速度的基础研究(2001CB209201),国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)子课题,2002-2007
9 铝熔体的泡沫特性与泡沫铝的胞结构控制(50371013)国家自然科学基金 2004-2006
10 渗孔液雾自均匀化超绝热燃烧机理及多孔介质发动机基础研究(50476073), 国家自然科学基金 2005-2007
1. 计算热物理
2. 内燃机燃烧与工作过程的数值模拟
3. 先进燃烧理论与技术
4. 湍流数学模型
5. 信息技术在动力工程中的应用
1. Shijun Yi, Maozhao Xie, Baixin Chen, The breakup and atomization of a viscous liquid jet. ACTA MECHANICA SINICA,1996,12:(2)124-134.
2. Maozhao Xie, Xiaohong Liang:Numerical simulation of combustion and ignition-quenching behavior of a carbon packed bed. Combustion Sci and Tech, 1997, 125:(1-6)1-24.
3. Shijun Yi, Maozhao Xie, Baixin Chen, The stability of viscous liquid jets in a swirling gas. ACTA MECHANICA SINICA,1998 14:(3)226-233.
4. Jinyin Zhao, Maozhao Xie, F. Durst:On the effect of Renolds number on von Karman’s constant, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 18(4)350-355 (2002) 
5. Maozhao Xie, Wence Sun, Fang Li, Study on the rapid pressure-strain rate for turbulent flows undergoing strong compression and large distorsion. Computers and Fluids, 32:275-286(2003) 
6. Jinyin Zhao, Maozhao Xie, F. Durst, Investigation of the mean-flow scaling and tripping effect on fully developed turbulent pipe flow, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B(1):14-22 (2003) 
7. Maozhao Xie, Yangbo Deng,Experimental study on superadiabatic combustion in porous media with reciprocating flow, Proc. The Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion(2003)
8. Du, Liming ; Xie, Maozhao ,The influences of thermophysical properties of porous media on superadiabatic combustion with reciprocating flow, Heat Transfer - Asian Research, 2006, 35: 336-350
9. Xie, Maozhao Ge, Shaocheng; Sun, Wence, Numerical simulation of double-diffusive dynamical model of a solar pond considering the effect of tubrbidity and wind, Journal of Thermal Science, 2006, 15: 168-174
10. Maozhao Xie, Chunji Yan, Breakup and Atomization of a Viscous Annular Cylindrical Liquid Jet in Swirling Gases, Proc. of the 10th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems-Asia,Oct.12-14, 2005,Seoul,Korea
11. Zeng Wen, Xie Maozhao. Multidimensional Modeling of the Application of Catalytic Combustion to Homogeneous Charge Combustion Ignition Engine. Journal of Thermal Science, 2006,15:371-376
12. Xie, Maozhao Ge, Shaocheng; Sun, Wence,double-diffusive dynamical model of a solar pond considering the effect of tubrbidity and wind, Journal of Thermal Science, 2006, 15: 168-174
13. Jia, Ming, Xie, Maozhao ,A chemical kinetics model of iso-octane oxidation for HCCI engines,Fuel, 17-18, 2006, 85:2593-2604
14. Du, Liming ; Xie, Maozhao, The influences of thermophysical properties of porous media on superadiabatic combustion with reciprocating flow, Heat Transfer - Asian Research, 2006, 35: 336-350
15. M.Z. Xie, J.R. Shi, Y.B. Deng, L. Zhou, Investigation and Improvement on Performance of a Porous Medium Burner with Reciprocating Flow,8th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization(8th APISCEU), October 10-12, 2006, Sochi, Russian Federation
16. Maozhao XIE ,Zhiguo ZHAO. Numerical Investigation on the Interaction Between a Fuel Spray and a Hot Porous Medium,8th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization(8th APISCEU),October 10-12, 2006, Sochi, Russian Federation
17. Ming Jia, Maozhao Xie, Numerical Simulation of HCCI Combustion Using a Multi-Dimensional Model, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2007 221:465-480
18. Wen Zeng, Maozhao Xie, Ming Jia. Numerical Investigation on the Application of Catalytic Combustion to HCCI Engine. Chemical Engineering Journal, 127: 81-93 (2007)
19.ZHAO ZhiGuo , XIE MaoZhao, Numerical simulation about interaction between pressure swirl spray and hot porous medium,Energy Conversion and Management,49:1047-1055, 2008
20. Ming Jia, Deyang Hou, Maozhao Xie and Hong Liu, A Micro-Variable Circular Orifice Fuel Injector for HCCI-Conventional Engine Combustion - Part I Numerical Simulation of Cavitation SAE 2007-01-0249
21.Zeng W, Xie MZ, Ma HA, et al. Bifurcation behaviors of catalytic combustion in a micro-channel , Journal Of Thermal Science,17: 84-89  2008
22. SHI Jun- rui, XIE Mao-zhao, Zhou-lei. Numerical simulation and theoretical analysis of low-velocity filtration combustion of lean mixture. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 51:1818-1829, 2008
23.ZHAO ZhiGuo , XIE MaoZhao, Numerical study on the compression ignition of a porous medium engine, Science in China Series E: Technological, 2008, 51(2):277-287
24.Wen Zen, Maozhao Xie ,A novel approach to reduce hydrocarbon emissions from the HCCI engine, Chemical Engineering Journal, 139 (2008) 380–389 
25. Ming Jia, MaoZhao Xie, Zhijun Peng : Prediction of Operating Range for a HCCI Engine Based on a Multi-Zone Model  SAE Paper 2008-01-1663
26. Ming Jia, MaoZhao Xie, Zhijun Peng : A Comparative Study of Multi-zone Combustion Models for HCCI Engines SAE Paper 2008-01-0064
27. Ming Jia, Zhijun Peng, MaoZhao Xie 2008-01-1632 : Evaluation of Spray/Wall Interaction Models under the Conditions Related to Diesel HCCI Engines, SAE Paper 2008-01-1632
28.Ming Jia, MaoZhao Xie, Zhijun Peng : Implementation and Improvement of ISAT in HCCI Multidimensional Modeling with Detailed Chemical Kinetics, SAE Paper 2008-01-0978 
29. Ming Jia, Zhijun Peng, MaoZhao Xie: Evaluation of Breakup Models and Application to the Mixture Preparation Process for Diesel HCCI Engines, SAE Paper 2008-01-0023 
30. Dong Ming, Maozhao Xie : Numerical Study on Turbulent Flow and Fuel Spray in a Porous Medium Combustion Chamber, SAE Paper 2008-01-1592
31. Hongsheng Liu, Maozhao Xie: Simulation of a Porous Medium (PM) Engine Using a Two-Zone Combustion Model, SAE Paper 2008-01-1516
32. Zeng Wen, Xie Maozhao, Jia Ming. Interactions Between Surface Reaction and Gas Phase Reactions in Catalytic Combustion and Their Influence on the Ignition of HCCI Engine.Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2006, 22: 776-782
专 著
1.《柴油机工作过程数值计算》大连理工大学出版社, 1990
2. 《内燃机计算燃烧学》(第二版), 大连理工大学出版社, 2005
获 奖
1. 国家教委:全国高校优秀CAI软件三等奖(工程流体力学) 1997
2. 《内燃机计算燃烧学》,1978-1996大连市优秀著作二等奖 1998
3. 柴油机燃烧与性能预测的计算机软件 辽宁省教委科技进步二等奖 1997
4. 德意志学术交流中心(DAAD)科研奖金(3次) 1995.1,1999.1, 2003.4
5. 日本政府科技厅科研奖金 1998.6
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