姓名 王德真
院系 物理与光电工程学院
办公电话 0411-84707981
电子信箱 wangdez@dlut.edu.cn
更新时间 2010-3-19
1977. 7~1978. 3 辽宁省岫岩县牧牛公社, 下乡知青
1978. 3~1982. 1 大连工学院(后更名为大连理工大学)物理系, 学生
1982. 1~1987. 7 大连理工大学物理系, 助教(在职研究生)
1987. 7~1991. 12 大连理工大学物理系, 讲师
1991.12~1993.12 大连理工大学物理系, 副教授
1993.12~ 大连理工大学物理系, 教授
1995.10~1997. 8 国际理论物理研究中心(简称ICTP, 意大利),
International Centre for Theoretical Physics,访问学者
2000.11~2006.9 大连理工大学物理系系主任
2006.9~ 2009.10 大连理工大学物理与光电工程学院 执行院长
2002.11~ 《Plasma Science and Technology》 杂志编委
2002.8~ 辽宁省物理学会 副理事长
《Plasma Science & Technology》编委
研究领域(研究课题) :
1. 2010.1-2012.12, 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(课题)(课题编号
2. 2008.4-2012.10,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(课题)(课题编号
课题经 费550万元,课题负责人
3. 2008.1-2010.12,国家自然科学基金项目(项目号10775026)
4. 2006.1-2009.12,国家自然科学基金重点项目(项目号50537020)
“大气压辉光放电机理研究”,经费200万元,王德真负责 60万元。
5. 2006.1-2008.12,国家自然科学基金海外青年合作基金项目(项目号50528707)
6. 2005.1~2005.12,国家自然科学基金项目(项目号50440430684)
7. 2003.1~2006.12,辽宁省学科拔尖人才基金项目,经费40万元,项目负责人。
8. 2003.1~2005.12, 国家自然科学基金项目(项目号10275010)
9. 1999.1~2001.12,国家自然科学基金项目(项目号 19875006)
10. 1999.1~2001.12,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目 “微电子器件加工中尘埃
11. 1999.1~2001.12,教育部重点科学技术项目“强耦合尘埃等离子体的基本过程
研究”, 经费8万元,项目负责人。
12. 2000.1~2001.12, 教育部骨干教师计划项目“超音速气固两相流制备功能涂层机理
13. 1996.1~2000.12,辽宁省自然科学基金项目(项目号157)“新材料表面改性方法—
14. 1994.1~1996.12,国家自然科学基金项目(项目号 19375010)“鞘层的时空演化
15. 1992.1~1994.12, 国家自然科学基金项目“带电粒子在阴极鞘层中的蒙特卡罗模拟
1.Chaofeng Sang, Jizhong Sun and Dezhen Wang*, Large amplitude of electrostatic waves associated with magnetic field in divertor plasmas, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 52, 042001(2010)
2.Muyang Qian, Chunsheng Ren, Dezhen Wang*, Jialiang Zhang and Guodong Wei,Stark broadening measurement of the electron density in an atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet with double-power electrodes, Journal of Applied Physics 107, to appear in April(2010)
3.Chaofeng Sang, Jizhong Sun, Dezhen Wang*,Plasma density enhancement in atmospheric-pressure dielectric-barrier discharges by high-voltage nanosecond pulse in the pulse-on period: a PIC simulation,Journal of Physics D:Applied Physics 43,045202(2010)
4.Yan Feng, Chun-Sheng Ren, Qiu-Yue Nie and De-Zhen Wang* , “Study on the self-organized patterns in an atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge plasma jet”, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, accepted (2010)
5.Z Cao, Q Nie, D L Bayliss, J L Walsh, C S Ren, D Z Wang and M G Kong, Spatially Extended Atmospheric Plasma Arrays, Plasma Sources Sciences & Technology 19, 025003 (2010)
6.Q Y Nie, Z Cao, C S Ren, D Z Wang and M G Kong, A two-dimensional cold atmospheric plasma jet array for uniform treatment of large-area surfaces for plasma medicine, New Journal of Physics 11, 115015 (2009)
7.Liu Liying, Zhang Jialiang, and Wang Dezhen*, An indirect method for measuring electron density of atmospheric pressure plasma jets, Plasma Science and Technology 11(6), 693(2009)
8.Yanhui Wang, Hong Shi, Jizhong Sun, and Dezhen Wang*, Period-two discharge characteristics in argon atmospheric dielectric-barrier discharges, Physics of Plasmas 16, 063507(2009)
9.Shi Feng, Zhang Lili, Wang Dezhen*, Numerical simulation of super-short pulsed discharge in helium with particle-in-cell Monte Carlo collisions technique, Chinese Physics B 18(3),1177(2009)
10.Wang Zhan, Ren Chunsheng, Nie Qiuyue, Wang Dezhen, Effects of airflows on dielectric barrier discharge in air at atmospheric pressure, Plasma Science and Technology 11(2),177(2009)
11.Qi Wang, Jizhong Sun, and Dezhen Wang*, Numerical analysis of two homogeneous discharge modes at atmospheric pressure with a self-consistent model, Physics of Plasmas 16,043503(2009)
12.Shou-Zhe Li, Wen-Tong Huang, Jialiang Zhang, Dezhen Wang, Optical diagnosis of an argon/oxygen needle plasma generated at atmospheric pressure, Applied Physics Letters 94,111501(2009)
13.Chaofeng Sang, Jizhong Sun, Chunsheng Ren, and Dezhen Wang*,Characteristics of nanosecond pulse needle-to-plane discharges at high pressure: a particle-in-cell Monte Carlo collision simulation, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 043305(2009)
14.Shou-The Li, Wen-Tong Huang, Jialiang Zhang, and Dezhen Wang, Discharge characteristics of an atmospheric-pressure argon plasma column generated with a single-electrode configuration, Physics of Plasmas 16,073503(2009)
15.Shou-The Li, Wen-Tong Huang, and Dezhen Wang, The effect of gas flow on argon plasma discharge generated with a single-electrode configuration at atmospheric pressure. Physics of Plasmas 16, 093501(2009)
16.Shou-The Li, Wen-Tong Huang, and Dezhen Wang, An atmospheric-pressure helium plasma jet induced by an atmospheric-pressure argon plasma discharge in a single-electrode configuration, IEEE Tran. Plasma Sci. 37(9),1825(2009)
17.Shi Hong, Wang Yanhui, and Wang Dezhen*, Nonlinear behavior in the time domain in argon atmospheric dielectric-barrier discharges,Physics of Plasmas 15, 122306(2008)
18.Sun Jizhong, Wang Qi, Zhang Jianhong, Wang Yanhui, and Wang Dezhen*, Self-Consistent Model for Atmospheric Pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharges in Helium, Chinese Physics Letters 25(11),4054(2008)
19.Feng Shi, Dezhen Wang*, and Chunsheng Ren, Simulations of atmospheric pressure discharge in a high-voltage nanosecond pulse using PIC-MCC model in noble gases, Physics of Plasmas 15, 063503(2008)
20.Wanli Shang, Dezhen Wang*, and Yuantao Zhang, Radio-frequency atmospheric pressure glow discharge in and modes between two coaxial electrodes, Physics of Plasmas 15, 093503(2008)
21.Qiuyue Nie, Chunsheng Ren, Dezhen Wang*, Jialiang Zhang, A simple cold Ar plasma jet generated with a floating electrode at atmospheric pressure, Applied Physics Letters 93,011503(2008)
22.Shu Yi Miao, Chun Sheng Ren, Dezhen Wang, Yu Tao Zhang, Bing Qi, and You Nian Wang, Conical DC discharge in ambient air using water as an electrode, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.,36(1),126(2008)
23.Wu Jing, Zhang Pengyun, Sun Jizhong, Zhang Jiang, Ding Zhenfeng, and Wang Dezhen*, Experimental study on parameters of dust plasma in SiH4/C2H4/Ar discharges, Chinese Physics B 17(5),1848(2008)
24.Qiuyue Nie, Chunsheng Ren, Dezhen Wang*, Shouzhe Li, Jialiang Zhang, M.G.Kong, Self-organized pattern formation of an atmospheric pressure plasma jet in a dielectric barrier discharge configuration, Applied Physics Letters 90,221504(2007)
25.Shang Wanli, Wang Dezhen*, Concentric-Ring Patterns in a Helium Dielectric Barrier Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure, Chinese Physics Letters 24(7), 1992(2007)
26.Yanhui Wang, Yuantao Zhang, Dezhen Wang*, M.G.Kong, Period multiplication and chaotic phenomena in atmospheric dielectric-barrier glow discharges, Applied Physics Letters 90,071501(2007)
27.Wanli Shang, Dezhen Wang*, M.G. Kong, Simulation of radio-frequency atmospheric pressure glow discharge in γ mode, Chinese Physics 16(2), 0485(2007)
28.Zhang Hongyan, Wang Dezhen*, Wang Xiaogang, Numerical studies of atmospheric pressure glow discharge controlled by a dielectric barrier between two coaxial electrodes, Chinese Physics 16(4), 1089(2007)
29.Shouzhe Li, Dezhen Wang, Wenchao Zhu, and Yikang Pu, Evaluations of electron density and temperature in atmospheric pressure radio frequency helium plasma jet, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 45(12),9213 (2006)
30.Zhang J.L, Sun J, Wang D.Z and Wang X.G, A novel cold plasma jet generated by capillary atmospheric DBD discharge, Thin Solid Film,Vol 506-507, p 404, 2006.
31.H. Yu, S.Perni, J.J.Shi, D.Z.Wang, M.G.Kong, and G.Shama, Effects of cell surface loading and phase of growth in cold atmospheric gas plasma inactivation of Escherichia coli K12, Journal of Applied Microbiology ISSN 1364-5072, 1323(2006)
32.Qi Bing, Ren Chunsheng, Wang Dezhen*, Li Shouzhe, Wang Kun, and Zhang Yutao, Uniform glowlike plasma source assisted by preionization of spark in ambient air at atmospheric pressure, Applied Physics Letters 89, 131503(2006)
33.Zhang Yuantao, Wang Dezhen*, and M. G. Kong, Complex dynamic behaviors of nonequilibrium atmospheric dielectric-barrier discharges, Journal of Applied Physics 100, 063304(2006)
34.Wang Yanhui, Wang Dezhen*, The role of metastable atoms in a homogeneous atmospheric pressure barrier discharge in helium, Plasma Science and Technology 8(5), 539 (2006)
35.Wang Dezhen*, Wang Yanhui, and Liu Chengsen, Multipeak behavior and mode transition of a homogeneous barrier discharge in atmospheric pressure helium,Thin Solid Films 506-507, 384(2006)
36.Wang Wenchun, Wang Su, Liu Feng, Zheng Wei, Wang Dezhen, Optical study of OH radical in a wire-plate pulsed corona discharge, Spectrochimica Acta Part A 63, 477(2006)
37.Zhang Yuantao, Wang Dezhen*, and M. G. Kong, Two-dimensional simulation of a low-current dielectric barrier discharge in atmospheric helium, J. Appl. Phys. 98, 113308 (2005)
38.Zhang Yuantao, Wang Dezhen*, and Wang Yanhui, Two-dimensional numerical simulation of the splitting and uniting of current-carrying zones in a dielectric barrier discharge,Physics of Plasmas 12, 103508 (2005)
39.Shi Pingao and Wang Dezhen*, Numerical simulation of pulsed corona discharge with dust particles at atmospheric pressure, Physics of Plasmas 12, 043505 (2005)
40.Wang Yanhui and Wang Dezhen*, Influence of impurities on the uniform atmospheric pressure discharge in helium, Physics of Plasmas 12, 023503 (2005)
41.Liu Chengsen, Wang Dezhen*,Self-consistent model for pulsed direct-current N2 glow discharge, Plasma Science & Technology, 7(2), 2745(2005)
42.Zhang Yuantao, Wang Dezhen*, Wang Yanhui, and Liu Chengsen, Radial evolution of the atmospheric pressure glow discharge in helium controlled by dielectric barrier, Chinese Physics Letters Vol.22, No.1, 171(2005)
43.Liu Chengsen, Wang Yanhui, and Wang Dezhen*, Two-dimensional temperature distribution inside a hemispherical bowl-shaped target for plasma source ion implantation, Chinese Physics Vol.14, No.1, 163(2005)
44.Yu, H; Xiu, ZL; Ren, CS; Zhang, JL; Wang, DZ; Wang, YN; Ma, TC,Inactivation of yeast by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma in helium at atmospheric pressure,
45.Gong, Y; Wang, XG; Duan, P; Yu, J; Wang, DZ, Numerical studies of collisionless and collisional sheath evolution in plasma source ion implantations, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 12 (4), 043501 ( 2005 )
46.Ren, CS; Ma, TC; Wang, DZ; Wang, WC; Zhang, JL; Wang, YN, Stable and diffuse
atmospheric pressure glow plasma in a multipoint-to-plane configuration in air,
47.Lin, GQ; Zhao, YH; Guo, HM; Wang, DZ; Dong, C; Huang, RF; Wen, LS, Experiments and theoretical explanation of droplet elimination phenomenon in pulsed-bias arc deposition, JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A, 22 (4): 1218-1222 (2004)
48.Wang Yanhui, Wang Dezhen*, Modes of homogeneous barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure in helium, Chinese Physics Letters Vol.21, No.11, 2234(2004)
49.Wang Dezhen* and Sheng Mingyu, Effects of the trapping dust particles on the sheath structure in radio-frequency discharges, J. Appl. Phys. 94(3), 1368(2003)
50.Liu Chengsen and Wang Dezhen*, Ion dynamics of pulsed plasma source ion implantation in the sheath of a hemispherical bowl-shaped target, Surface and Coatings Technology 171,119(2003)
51.Wang Dezhen* and Wu Hongtao, Analysis of dusty plasma in the positive column of glow discharges, Chinese Physics 11(8), 799(2002)
52.Liu Chengsen and Wang Dezhen*, Monte Carlo simulation of ions inside a cylindrical bore for plasma source ion implantation, J. Appl. Phys. 91(1), 32(2002)
53.Sun Jizhong, Stirner T, Wang Dezhen, A kinetic study of ozone and nitric oxides in dielectric barrier discharges for O2/NOx mixtures, Plasma science & technology, Vol.4, No.1, Jan. 2002
54.Wang Dezhen, Wang Xiaogang, Spatial distributions of trapped microparticles in a plasma sheath, J. Appl. Phys. 89(7), 3602(2001)
55.Liu Deyong, Wang Dezhen*, Wang Xiaogang, and Liu Jinyuan, Charging effects on temporal and spatial evolution of the dusty plasma sheath in plasma source ion
implantation, Physics of Plasmas, 8(4), 1427(2001)
56.Wang Dezhen*, Liu Jinyuan, and Ma Tengcai, Effects of dust charging associated with an electron beam in the cathode sheath of glow discharges, Physics of Plasmas 7(3), 1053 (2000)
57.Wang Dezhen*,Liu Deyong,and Liu Jinyuan,Dust charging and levitating in cathode sheath of glow discharges with energetic electron beam, J. Appl. Phys. 88(3), 1276 (2000)
58.Jinyuan Liu, Dezhen Wang, The charged dusts in processing plasma sheath,
Vacuum 59, 126 (2000)
59.Wang Dezhen*, A theoretical model for neutral velocity distributions at a planar target in plasma source ion implantation, J. Appl. Phys. 85(8), 3949(1999)
60.Wang Dezhen*, Deng Xinlu, and Ma Tengcai, An analytic model for energy
distributions of neutrals striking a planar cathode at low pressure glow discharges, Thin Solid Films 345, 182(1999)
61.Liu Jinyuan, Wang Dezhen, et al, The trap of particles in plasma sheath,
Physics of Plasmas 6(5), 1405(1999)
62.Wang Dezhen*, Dong J.Q., and S.M. Mahajan, A kinetic model for low pressure
glow discharges in the presence of dust particles, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 30(1), 113(1997)
63.Wang Dezhen* and Dong J. Q., Kinetics of low pressure RF discharges with dust particles, J. Appl. Phys. 81(1), 38(1997)
64.Wang Dezhen, Yu Jong, and Gong Ye, Model of collisional sheath in spherical and cylindrical geometries for plasma source ion implantation, Chinese Phys. Lett. 13(2), 117(1996)
65.Wang Dezhen and Ma Tengcai, Dynamics of collisional sheaths for spherical and cylindrical electrodes, Chinese Phys. Lett. 11(12), 744(1994)
66.Wang Dezhen and Ma Tengcai, Energy and angle distributions of ions striking a spherical target in plasma source ion implantation, J.Appl.Phys.75(3),1335(1994)
67.Sun Jizong, Gong Ye, and Wang Dezhen, Monte Carlo simulation of electrons in
the cathode region of a glow discharge in argon, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 26(3), 436(1993)
68.Wang Dezhen, Ma Tengcai, and Deng Xinlu, Model of collisional sheath evolution in plasma source ion implantation, J. Appl. Phys. 74(4), 2986(1993)
69.Wang Dezhen, Ma Tengcai, and Gong Ye, A Monte Carlo simulation model for plasma source ion implantation, J. Appl. Phys. 73(9), 4171(1993)
70.Wang Dezhen, Ma Tengcai, and Guo Baoha, Electron energy distribution and kinetic temperature in high-frequency argon discharges, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 26(1), 62(1993)
71.Deng Xinlu, Wang Yanping, Xu Zhenfeng, Wang Dezhen, et al, Computer controlled plasma source ion nitriding, Thin Solid Films 345, 104(1999)
72.Dezhen Wang and Tengcai Ma, Electron energy distributions and transport parameters of direct-current argon discharges at low pressures, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 24, 1367(1991)
75.孙姣,张家良,王德真,马腾才,一种新型大气压毛细管介质阻挡放电冷等离子体射流技术, 物理学报,Vol 55,No.12, p 88, 2005
79.王德真,马腾才, 重粒子在阴极鞘层中的理论模型,
物理学报, 第49卷,第12期,2405(2000)
1.被辽宁省政府评为"辽宁省青年先进科技工作者"。1995年 10月
2."低温等离子体中基本物理过程的研究", 1996年10月
获 辽宁省教委科技进步一等奖。
3.获大连市政府特殊津贴, 1999年12月
4."低温等离子体鞘层及与物质相互作用研究", 2001年10月
5.获国务院政府特殊津贴, 2002年6月
6.辽宁省学科拔尖人才, 2003年
在读学生人数 :
硕士7人, 博士15人