姓名 王天明
院系 数学科学学院
办公电话 0411-84708351-8305
电子信箱 wangtm@dlut.edu.cn
更新时间 2008-12-18
王天明教授 1939年生于大连,汉族,中共党员,博士生导师,美国《数学评论》评论员。
1958-1963 大连工学院数理力学系学习
1963-1978 大连工学院基础部任助教
1978-1983 大连工学院数学所任讲师
1983-1985 美国匹兹堡大学数学系 访问学者
1985-1991 大连理工大学数学所副教授
1991-至今 大连理工大学数学系教授
研究领域(研究课题) :
研究内容:1计数组合学 2组合数学中的机械化方法 3计算分子生物学。
基金项目:参与国家教委博士点基金项目两项:1.《组合分析与计算方法》93-95.12; 2.《数值逼近与计算组合学》89-90.12; 主持国家自然基金项目四项: 1.《与生物序列、结构、功能有关的数学方法研究》2009.1 -2011.12; 2.《数学方法在计算分子生物学中的应用》2006.1-2008.12; 3《组合恒等式及机械化证明》 98.1-2000.12; 4.《计算组合学的理论与应用》 94.1-96.12 3 ; 主持数学机械化方法推广基金项目:《组合恒等式的机械化证明》2002.1-2003.12。
1计数组合学 2组合数学中的机械化方法 3计算分子生物学。
著作:《近代组合学》大连理工大学出版社 2008.9
译作:《发生函数论》 清华大学出版社 2003
《经济学数学导论》 大连理工大学出版社 1992
《高等组合学》 大连理工大学出版社 1991
《组合学导引》 华中工学院出版社 1983
发表论文:在国内期刊:数学学报,应用数学学报,系统科学与复杂性,数学进展等。国外杂志:Advances In applied mathematics, Discrete mathematics, Applied discrete mathematics, Liner algebra and applications. Graphs and combinatorics. Rocky Mountain J. of mathematics, Ars combinatorics , Util. math, J. of mathematical analysis and applications,等杂志发表有关组合数学论文70多篇被SCI检索25篇,有关计算生物学论文在Bioimformatic, BMCbioimformatic等杂志上发表 80余篇,被SCI检索72篇。总计发表论文150余篇90余篇被SCI检索。近四年被SCI检索的的论文有:
2008 年SCI检索的论文(19)
1. Comparison of TOPS strings based on LZ complexity JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 251 (1):159-166 2008 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2007.11.016
2.Commentary on an open question APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 196 (1):353-355 2008 DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2005.10.051
3.Some results on the Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Euler polynomials COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS 55 (6):1322-1332 2008 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2007.06.021
4. A new mapping rule for RNA secondary structures with its applications JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY 43 (3):932-943 2008 DOI: 10.1007/s10910-007-9303-1
5 On property of the invariant of graphical representations of DNA sequences JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY 43 (3):1177-1183 2008 DOI: 10.1007/s10910-007-9267-1
6. A 3D graphical representation of RNA secondary structures based on chaos game representation CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 454 (4-6):355-361 2008 DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2008.01.041
7. Condensed representations of protein secondary structure sequences and their application JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS 25 (6):621-628 2008
8. A new method to analyze the similarity of the DNA sequences JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM 853 (1-3):62-67 2008 DOI: 10.1016/j.theochem.2007.12.003
9. Use of statistical measures for analyzing RNA secondary structures JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY 29 (8):1292-1305 2008 DOI: 10.1002/jcc.20891
10. Asymptotic enumeration of RNA secondary structure JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 342 (1):514-523 2008 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2007.12.034
11. Some applications of Gasper's bibasic summation formula ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 38 (2):703-712 2008 DOI: 10.1216/RMJ-2008-38-2-703
12. Use of linear regression model to compare RNA secondary structures JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 253 (4):854-860 2008 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2008.04.023
13 Alternate Sylvester sums on the Frobenius set COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS 56 (5):1328-1334 2008 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2008.02.031
14. A note on the relationships between the generalized Bernoulli and Euler polynomials ARS COMBINATORIA 88397-405 2008
15. A New Method to Analyze the Similarity of Protein Structure Using TOPS Representations. J Biomol Struct Dyn 26 (3):367-74 2008
16. Markov model plus k-word distributions: a synergy that produces novel statistical measures for sequence comparison BIOINFORMATICS 24 (20):2296-2302 2008 DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn436
17. Comparison study on k-word statistical measures for protein: From sequence to 'sequence space' BMC BIOINFORMATICS 9 2008 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-9-394
18 Characterization of protein primary sequences based on partial ordering JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 254 (4):752-755 2008 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2008.07.007
19. Identities via Bell matrix and Fibonacci matrix DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS 156 (14):2793-2803 200810.1016/j.dam.2007.10.025
1.q-analogs of generalized fibonacci and lucas polynomials FIBONACCI QUARTERLY, 45 (1): 26-34 FEB 2007 ISSN: 0015-0517
2.A representation of DNA primary sequences by random walk MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES, 209 (1): 282-291 SEP 2007 DOI: 10.1016/j.mbs.2006.06.004
3.On 3D graphical representation of RNA secondary structures and their applications JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY, 42 (3): 595-602 OCT 2007 DOI: 10.1007/s10910-006-9135-4
4.Characteristic distribution of L-tuple for DNA primary sequence JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS, 25 (1): 85-91 AUG 2007 ISSN: 0739-1102
5.C(i,j) matrix: A better numerical characterization for graphical representations of biological sequences JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY, 247 (1): 103-109 JUL 7 2007 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2007.03.002
6.Novel characterization of the folding of proteins INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, 107 (10): 1970-1974 AUG 15 2007 DOI: 10.1002/qua.21341
7.Linear regression model of DNA sequences and its application.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY, 28 (8): 1434-1445 JUN 2007 DOI: 10.1002/jcc.20556
8.A simple method for protein structural classification JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS & MODELLING, 25 (6): 852-855 MAR 2007 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmgm.2006.08.006
9.Matrices related to the Bell polynomials LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 422 (1): 139-154 APR 1 2007 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2006.09.015
10.Analysis of protein sequences and their secondary structures based on transition matrices JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM, 803 (1-3): 115-122 FEB 18 2007 DOI: 10.1016/j.theochem.2006.10.010
11.Graphical representations for protein secondary structure sequences and their application CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 435 (1-3): 127-131 FEB 12 2007 DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2006.12.041
12.Transformation and reduction formulae for double q-Clausen series of type phi(1 : 2;lambda)(1 : 1;mu) JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 328 (1): 609-624 APR 1 2007 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2006.05.046
13.Reduction and transformation formulae for bivariate basic hypergeometric series OURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 328 (2): 1152-1160 APR 15 2007 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2006.06.002
14.PNN-curve: A new 2D graphical representation of DNA sequences and its application JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY, 243 (4): 555-561 DEC 21 2006 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2006.07.018
15.A novel 2D graphical representation of DNA sequences and its application JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS & MODELLING, 25 (3): 340-344 NOV 2006 DOI:10.1016/j.jmgm.2005.12.004
1.A method for rapid similarity analysis of RNA secondary structures BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 7: Art. No. 493 NOV 8 2006 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-7-493
2.Numerical characterization of DNA sequences based on the kQi-step Markov chain transition probability JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY, 27 (15): 1830-1842 NOV 30 2006 DOI: 10.1002/jcc.20471
3.Further bibasic hypergeometric transformations and their applications JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 323 (2): 1025-1037 NOV 15 2006 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2005.10.082
4.Protein-based phylogenetic analysis by using hydropathy profile of amino acids FEBS LETTERS, 580 (22): 5321-5327 OCT 2 2006 DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2006.08.086
5.A weighted measure for the similarity analysis of DNA sequences JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING, 12 (6): 897-903 SEP 2006 DOI: 10.1007/s00894-005-0076-9
6.A computational method for the similarity analysis of RNA secondary structures and its application JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM, 767 (1-3): 185-188 AUG 24 2006 DOI: 10.1016/j.theochem.2006.06.005
7.Comment on 'Analysis of similarity/dissimilarity of DNA sequences based on a 3-D graphical representation' - Reply to comment on Chem. Phys. Lett. 411 (2005) 248 CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 424 (4-6): 456-457 JUN 24 2006 DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2006.04.079
8.2D representation of protein secondary structure sequences and its applications JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY, 27 (11): 1119-1124 AUG 2006 DOI: 10.1002/jcc.20430
9.A graphical method to construct a phylogenetic tree INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, 106 (9): 1998-2005 AUG 5 2006 DOI: 10.1002/qua.21001
10.On graphical and numerical representation of protein sequences JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS, 23 (5): 537-545 APR 2006 ISSN: 0739-1102
11.Related matrices of DNA primary sequences based on triplets of nucleic acid bases CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 417 (1-3): 173-178 JAN 9 2006 DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2005.10.007
1. The values of certain polynomials UTILITAS MATHEMATICA, 68: 63-70 NOV 2005 ISSN: 0315-3681
2.On a seven-dimensional representation of RNA secondary structures MOLECULAR SIMULATION, 31 (14-15): 1063-1071 DEC 2005 DOI: 10.1080/08927020500371332
3. A 2D graphical representation of RNA secondary structures and the analysis of similarity/dissimilarity based on it JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM, 755 (1-3): 131-136 NOV 30 2005 DOI: 10.1016/j.theochem.2005.08.009
4. A 2-D graphical representation of protein sequences based on nucleotide triplet codons CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 413 (4-6): 458-462 SEP 26 2005 DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2005.08.011
5. Eliminations in Weyl algebras and identities ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 35 (3): 254-270 SEP 2005 DOI: 10.1016/j.aam.2005.03.003
6. A class of 2D graphical representations of RNA secondary structures and the analysis of similarity based on them JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY, 26 (13): 1339-1346 OCT 2005 DOI: 10.1002/jcc.20271
7. Analysis of similarity/dissimilarity of DNA sequences based on a 3-D graphical representation CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 411 (1-3): 248-255 AUG 5 2005 DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2005.06.040
8. Analysis of similarity between RNA secondary structures CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 408 (4-6): 258-263 JUN 17 2005 DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2005.04.052
9. A relative similarity measure for the similarity analysis of DNA sequences CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 408 (4-6): 307-311 JUN 17 2005 DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2005.04.031
10. Analysis of similarity/dissimilarity of DNA sequences based on a condensed curve representation JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM, 717 (1-3): 199-203 MAR 17 2005
DOI: 10.1016/j.theochem.2004.12.015
11. On a six-dimensional representation of RNA secondary structures JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS, 22 (4): 455-463 FEB 2005 ISSN: 0739-1102
1. 数学能否继续存在?----关于苏黎士大会的报告,数学译林,15:2(1996),154-160
2. 关于组合学现状的报告,数学译林,16:3(1997)222-232
3. 圆周率的探索,数学译林,16:3(1997),205-215
4.大学水平数学的教与学—教育的现代研究的几个决定性问题, 数学译林,20(01)147-157
1. 关于矩阵方程A2=J的q-循环解 大工学报 25(86) 23-27
2. On the Matrix Equation A2=J Res. and Exposition 7(87) 207-216
3.On Some Solutions of Res. and Exposition 7(87) 665-557
4.Some solutions of Mtrix Equation A Friedly Collection of Mathematical PaperI 1990
5. Some Results on the Matrix Equation Am=λJ Res. & Exposition 9(89) 601-603.
6. 的六角系统的构造 大连理工大学学报 30(90)373-378.7。
7.矩阵方程 的某些解 大连理工大学学报30(90)621-624
8.Enumeration of Ideal Subgraph Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms, and Applications 539-544 SIAM Press,1991
9.整数的平面分拆格, 大连理工大学学报 32(92)1-4
10.移动平面分拆的计数, 大连理工大学学报 32(92)621-624
11.行严格长为偶数的平面分拆的计数, 数学研究与评论 13(93)137-138
12.和作n人费用对策的准核仁, 运筹于决策 第二卷1261-1265 1992成都科大出版社
13.网络计划技术在船体建造中的应用, 运筹于决策 第一卷 692-696 1992成都科大出版社
14.Two Combinatorial Identities, SIAM Review 37:1(95) 281-285
15.Two Summation Formulas for Basic Bilateral Series, Combinatorics and Graph Theory 95 vol 2
16.具有唯一定长路的有向图的一个注记, 大连理工大学学报 34(94)203-206
17.格路与组合恒等式, 大连理工大学学报 34(94)628-632
18.格链与组合恒等式, 大连理工大学学报 35(95)281-285
19.On Companion Boolean Relation Matrix, Res & Exposition (95) 173-178
20.Recurrence Sequences and Norlund-Euler Polynomials, Fibonacci Quaterly 34:4(96)314-319
21.组合数的一种矩阵表示及应用, 大连理工大学学报36(96)381-385
22.两对加权Stirling 数偶及其性质, 大连理工大学学报 36(96)386-390
23.格路与Vandermonde卷积恒等式, 大连理工大学学报 36(96)
24.关于Genocchi数和Riemann Zeta-函数的一些恒等式, 数学研究与评论 17(97)597-
25.Riordan-Lagrange Inverse Relation, Res.& Exposition 1597) 173-178大连理工大学学报26.the g-circurent solutions to the matrix equation , Combinatorics and Graph Theory 97 vol 1
27.词偏序集的Mobiu函数的Cohen-Macauley性质的推广, 应用数学学报 20:3(97)431-437
28.关于两类图的整和数, 科学通报 40:8(97) 2016
29.Stirling数的概率表示及应用, 数学学报 41:2(98) 281-290
30.Generalized Pascal Matrix and Recurrence Sequences, L.A.A. 283(98) 289-299
31.An Inequality on Connected Domination Parameters, A RS Combinatorics 50(98)309-315
32.The Algebraic Properties f Generalized Pascal Matrices Associated with the Exponential Families, Linear Algebra and Applications, 318(00), 45-52
33.反演关系的机械化证明, 大连理工大学学报 40(00) 642-644
34.卷积公式统一形势及其相应超几何变换, 大连理工大学学报 40(00)
35.Inverse Chain of Inverse Relations, Res. & Exposition 21(01) 7-16
36.Mobius Function and its Iversion Formulas over a Unique Factorization Integral Semigroup, 数学季刊, 17(01)1-8
38.Some Strange Identities Related to Faa di Bruno Formula, Res. & Exposition 21(01) 215-218
39.Generalizations of Some Identities Involving the Fibonacci Numbers, The Fibonacci Quarterly 39(01)165-167
40.Some Identities for the Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas Functions, The Fibonacci Quarterly 39(01) 436-438
41.Counter-examplesto the Conjecture , Res.& Exposition 22(02)194-196
42.The Algebraic Properties of a Type of Infinite Lower Triagular Matrices Related to Derivatives, Res. & Exposition 22(02) 549-558.
43.一类RNA二级结构的计数, 应用数学,2(2002) 109-112
44.Some Identities Related to Reciprocal Functions ,Discrete Mathematics 265(03) 323-335
45.RNA 二级结构的最小自由能算法, 生物数学学报, 3(2003)
46.An Algorithm to Construct k-Regular k-Connected Graphs with Maximum k-Diameter, Graphs and Combinatorics 19(03) 111-119
47.On Generalized Wide Diameter of Graphs,Taiwanese J. of Mathematics, 7(03)339-345
48. Some Identities Involving the Powers of the Generalized Fibonacci Numbers, The Fibonacci Quarterly 41 (03) 7-12
49. Notes on Some Rogers-Ramanujan Type Identities, J. of Indian Mathematical Society, 70(03)
50. Note On Summation Formulas Derived From an Identity of F.H. Jackson, Australasiam J. of combinatorics, 28(03) 295-304
51. General Combinatorics of RNA Hairpins and Cloverleaves, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 43(03), 1138-1142
52. New 3-D graphical representation of DNA sequences and their numerical characterization,
Chemical Physic Letters 379(2003) 又被选入电子杂志 Physics of Life
53. 一类新的包含Riemann-Zeta函数的求和计算公式, 高等学校计算数学学报,25(03)97-101
54. A note on the integrity of Certain Series, Res. & Exposition 23 (03) 28-32
55. 分布式三环网络的传输延迟 大连理工大学学报42(03)9-12
00. A Result about the number of Extensions of Poset, accepted by New Zealand J. of Mathematics
00. The Integrity of Certain Series , accepted by International J. of math. Education in Science And Technology.
00. Some Results on Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas Number and Dedekind Sums, accepted by The Fibonacci Quarterly
00.Some Identities Involving the Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers, accepted by The Fibonacci Quarter
00. The Values of Certain Polynomials, accepted by Utilitas Mathmatica.
00. Notes on Ragers-Ramanujan Type Identities, accepted by The Indian J. of Pure and applied mathematics.
00. Notes on Certain Reciprocal Series Related to Complex Fibonacci and Lucas Functions, accepted by International J. of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
00.RNA二级结构的计数,生物数学学报 已接受
00. General Combinatorics of RNA secondary Structure, Mathematical Bioscieces , revised
00. mRNA序列与蛋白序列的比较, 大连理工大学学报 已修改
一. 组合数学方面:1.在组合矩陈方程求解方面给出 有解的必要条件, 方程的所有解及一些矩陈方程的g-循环解,其结果被多次引用。2.在组合反演理论方面提出词偏序集上的反演公式,并研究了相应的性质;解决了高维Gould-Hsu反演公式中附加因子的计算问题,使高维Gould-Hsu反演公式计算真正成为可能。给出Riordan-Lagrange反演,它是一个反演发生器,可以生成许多反演。3.在格路计数方面,利用发生函数技巧得到一系列具有深刻的应用背景和理论意义的组合恒等式,其结果被列入“中国八五科技成果选”编号[850801034],引起一些国外数学家的兴趣,他们用不同的方法验证了我们的结果。首次提出了给出格链的概念,由此导出的结果概括了格路的一些经典公式。成果2.3.于96年获辽宁省教委科技进步一等奖4.词偏序集是一般偏序集的推广,它在符号动力学和DNA结构研究中有着重要应用,因此引起人们的重视。就普遍偏序集而言,我们用同调代数的方法证明了分层偏序集P,Q和从P到Q等价分类映射ф若P是Cohen-Macaulay的,Q也是Cohen-Macaulay的。推广到了A.Bjöbius函数,同时也部分地解答了B.Stechin的问题。5.比较系统地把概率论的方法和技巧引入到了组合分析问题中。把一些重要的组合数以及正交多项式表示成了常用的随机变量(或者它们的和)的矩; 提出了恒等式中的参数应当被看作随机变量的观点,这样可以极大地扩充恒等式的内涵; 给出了哑运算的一种自然的,不失数学严格性的解释,认为它就是省略了数学期望符号的概率运算。包括J.Riordan,G.C.Rota和B.D.Taylor所使用的哑运算方法大多数都能够被相应的概率运算所代替。6.组合恒等式的机械化证明方面,给出了Weyl代数中的消元法,解决了超几何级数恒等式、Q-恒等式等、和带积分号的恒等式机械化证明算法并用Maple语言实现,其软件收入国家973项目数学自动化推理平台;给出组合反演的机械化证明算法及实现;发生函数的自动生成。
二.计算分子生物学方面: 1.在生物序列比较方面提出了若干非比对方法和一些数字特征,并对DNA序列,RNA序列和氨基酸序列进行了比较,效果较好。2.在RNA二级结构研究方面给出了二级结构与特殊置换的双射解决一些二级结构的计算,给出二级结构的线性表示用于真实病毒RNA二级结构的进化研究,这是原有方法做不到的。3.关于蛋白质二级结构,蛋白质分类也作了一些研究。4.提出一些新的距离度量,在预先有各种方法比较我们的最好。
在读学生人数 :