姓名 卢玉峰
院系 数学科学学院
办公电话 0411-84708351-8127,84708352
电子信箱 lyfdlut@dlut.edu.cn,lyfdlut1@yahoo.com.cn
更新时间 2010-6-14
2004年1月-2005年1月加拿大University of Toronto 数学系访问教授.
3.美国数学会《数学评论》(Mathematical Review)评论员。
4.德国《数学文摘》(Zentralblatt Math.) 评论员。
5.《Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition》编委。
6. 《Acta Analysis Functionalis Applicata》(应用泛函分析学报)编委。
研究领域(研究课题) :
1. 函数空间及其算子理论和算子代数。
3. Hilbert空间中的控制理论及其应用。
4. 复分析。
1. Bergman 空间及其上的Toeplitz算子、Hankle算子。
2. Hilbert空间上的Robust控制。
1. Yufeng Lu and Yanyue Shi, Hyponormal Toeplitz operators on the polydisk, to appear in Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series.2011, No. 27(6)
2. Zhang Kan, Liu chao Mei and Lu Yu Feng, Toeplitz operator with BMO symbols on the weighted Bergman space of the unit ball, to appear in Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series.2011, No. 27(6)
3. Zhang Kan, Lu Yu Feng and Liu Chao Mei, Little Hankel operators on the weighted Bergman space of the unit ball, To appear in Communications in Mathematical Research.
4. Yufeng Lu , Yixin Yang, and Rongwei Yang, An index formula for two variable Jordan block, To appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.
5. Yufeng Lu and Xiaoyang Zhou, Invariant subspaces and reducing subspaces of weighted Bergman space over bidisc, To appear in Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan.
6. Yufeng Lu and Jun yang, Compact operator on weighted Bergman spaces of the unit ball, To appear in Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition.
7. Yufeng Lu and Yixin Yang, Some properties of the inner sequence based submodule on the bidisk, To appear in Chinese Annals of Mathematics.
8. Yufeng Lu and Chaomei Liu and Jun Yang, Commutativity of kth- order Slant Toeplitz Operators, To appear in Mathematische Nachrichten.
9. Yufeng Lu and Jun Yang, Commuting dual Toeplitz operators on weighted Bergman sapces of the unit ball, Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series, 2010, No. 26(10).
10. Yu Feng Lu and Bo Zhang, Commuting Hankel and Toeplitz Operators on the Hardy Space of the Bidisk, Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition, 30(2010), 205-216.
11. Xiaoyang Zhou, Xiu Ying Shi and Yu Feng Lu, The root operators on invariant subspaces of the weighted Bergman sapce, Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition, 30(2010),54-56.
12. Yufeng Lu and Shuxia Shang, Bounded Hankel Products on the Bergman space of the polydisk, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol 61(1),2009, PP190-204.
13. Yufeng Lu and Chaomei Liu, Commutativity and Hyponormality of Toeplitz operators on the weighted Bergman space, Journal of the Korean Mathaematical Society, 46(2009), No.3, PP-621-642.
14. Yufeng Lu and Chengkai Shi, On stabilization for linear time-varying systems,Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition, 29(2009),761-773.
15. Yufeng Lu and Yanyue Shi,Hyponormal Toeplitz operators on the weighted Bergman space, Integr. equ.oper. theory, 65(2009),115-129.
16. Yueng Lu and Yang Jun, A Theorem of Nehari Type on Bergman spaces, Communications in Mathematical Research, 25(2)2009, 159-164.
17. Yufeng Lu and Jun Yang, Berezin transforms and Hankel products on the weighted Bergman sapce,Acta Mathematica Sinica, 2009,N0.4, 665-676.
18. Yufeng Lu and Chaomei Liu,Toeplitz and Hankel products on Bergman spaces of the unit ball, Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B, 30B(3),2009,293-310.
19. Yufeng Lu and Jun Yang, A theorem of Nehari type on weighted Bergman spaces of the unit ball, Abstract and Applied Analysis,Volume 2008,7pages, doi: 10.1155/538573.
20. Yufeng Lu and Xiaoping Xu, The Stabilization Problem for Discrete Time-varying Linear Systems, Systems & Control Letters 57(2008)936-939.
21. 卢玉峰,徐小萍, Simultaneous Stablization for lots of Plants, Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition, 2008, No. 3, 529-534.
22. Jun Yang and Aiping Leng and Yufeng Lu, k- order slant Toeplitz operators on , Northeast. Math. J. , 23(5)(2007), 403-412.
23. 卢玉峰,尚书霞, 多元盘上对偶 Toeplitz 算子的性质, 数学研究与评论,Vol.27,554-562.
24. 卢玉峰,尚书霞, 多元盘的Bergman 空间上 Hankel算子乘积,数学年刊,2007,28A(6)811-820.
25. Yufeng Lu and Shuxia Shang , Commuting Dual Toeplitz Operators on the Polydisk , Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series, 2007. Vol23,No.5, 857-868.
26. Lu Yufeng and Shang shuxia, Bounded Hankel Products on the Weighted Bergman Space, Northeast. Math. J.22(2)(2006),127-130.
27. Yufeng Lu, Commuting dual Toeplitz operators with pluriharmonic symbols, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 302(2005)149-156.
28. Yufeng Lu , Commuting of Toeplitz operators in several complex variables, Chinese Journal of Contemporay Mathematics,Vol.24,No.3 , 2003,239-247.
29. 卢玉峰,孙顺华, Dirichlet 空间 上 Toeplitz 算子,数学学报,Vol.46, No.5, 2003, 982-984.
30. 卢玉峰,多复变量Toeplitz 算子的交换性,数学年刊,24A: 4(2003),437-444.
31. Lu, Yufeng, Commuting Dual Toeplitz operators ,The 32ND Canadian Operator Symposium, Waterloo, Ontario, May 18-23, 2004,
32. Yu Tao, Sun shanli, Lu Yufeng , Commutator of Toeplitz Operators on , Advances in Mathematics, Vol.33 , No.6, 2004, 740-749.
33. Yufeng Lu,Shunhua Sun, Toeplitz operators on Dirichlet spaces, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 17(2001),643-648.
34. Yufeng Lu, Commuting Toeplitz operators on the bidisk,Bull.Austral.Math.Soc. 66(2002)345-351.
35. Yufeng Lu, Shanli Sun, Hankel operators on generalized H2 spaces, Integr. equ. oper. Theory, 34(1999)227-233.
1. 卢玉峰,刘西民, 《复变函数》(教材), 高等教育出版社,北京, 2007.12
2. 卢玉峰,刘西民, 《复变函数》(国家十一五教材), 高等教育出版社,北京, 2008.6
3. 卢玉峰, 《泛函分析》(专著), 科学出版社,北京, 2008.5.
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