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Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), located on the shore of the East Lake in Wuhan, was founded in 1956. It is the only institute in the country focused exclusively on carrying out fundamental research on general virology.  Since it was selected as one of the institutes to participate in the CAS Knowledge Innovation Program in 2002 and again in 2006, its research has expanded from general virology to encompass clinical related virology and research on emerging disease.
The goals of the institute are two-fold. Firstly we need to address national plans for continuing agricultural development and public health, and secondly to continue to gain international recognition for the research performed at the institute.  To this end, the institute is pursuing research on agricultural and clinical viruses and developing bio-pesticides, new detection technologies and prevention strategies for human and animal viral diseases.
The institute consists of two research departments and two center: the Department of Molecular Virology, the Department of Analytical Biochemistry,the Center for Applied and Environmental Microbiology and the Virus Resource and Bioinformation Center of China, and is further divided into 25 research groups. It also includes the State Key Laboratory of Virology, the Joint Laboratory of Invertebrate Virology, a HIV pre-screening Laboratory and the Hubei Engineering and Technology Research Center for Viral Diseases. The Core Facility Center includes an Analytical Equipment Center, an Animal Experiment Center, the Editorial Office of Virologica Sinica and the Computing Center. The three administration office are: Office of General Affairs, Office of Personnel and Education, and Office of Strategy Planning and Financing.
The China Virus Culture Collection Center (CVCC) houses the largest virus bank in Asia holding 900 different strains of viruses, including 90% of the known insect viruses found in China and the newly built China Virus Specimen Museum contains many exhibits about virology, intended to encourage the interest of youngsters in science.
In the past 50 years since its establishment, many generations of researchers have worked in developing virology research and educating students. Through their work, they have contributed significantly to improvements in national  industry and agriculture as well as in environmental control. The institute has received recognition for 227 important developments in scientific research. It has won 96 awards and has published over 1800 papers and 50 books. The institute has filed 163 patents of which 86 have been issued to date. The institute also seeks to foster international ties. Since it was founded the institute has established collaborations for academic co-operation and exchange activities with the World Health Organization (WHO) and universities and research institutes in more than 30 countries and regions including the UK, the Netherlands and Germany, and twenty national and international scientists have been honored as Professors of this institute.
As one of the few virus research centers in China, the institute has been officially authorized by the Commission on Degrees Appraisal of the State Councils to confer Doctorates in Microbiology, and master degrees in Microbiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.  Since 1978, 300 graduate students have received higher degrees from the Institute and there are currently 240 graduate students studying for their Doctoral and Master Degrees. The journal Virologica Sinca one of the key journals of biology and virology in the country, is edited in this institute. Papers in this journal are cited by the national and international databases such as BA, CA, and are published in English.
The institute has a large group of highly competent research scientists, principally comprising young scientists with higher degrees. There are currently 195 staff members in this institute, with 152 researchers and technicians. There are 25 Professors . 50% of the Professors are younger than 45 years old. The average age of the researchers is 38 and 83% of them have doctor or master degrees. Eleven people have been granted the Hundred Talents Project, two were awarded a National Outstanding Young Scientist grant, three have entered the National Kua Shi Ji Bai Qian Wan Gong Cheng (One hundred scientists to meet the challenges of the new millennium) program.
The institute provides an excellent environment in which to perform high quality research. It has a wide range of state of the art research equipments and many skilled support staff and technicians. It is also equipped with an animal research center and a BSL-3 laboratory. We also have close ties with the Hubei Microbiology Society, Wuhan Institute of Microbiology  and encourage interactions with other research institutions.
The institutes mission is "Excellence through Science, Cooperation and Innovation" as we strive to make further contributions to the field of virology and to the health and well being of our nation.
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