Tel:022-23085095, Fax:022-23085076, E-mail:dongyuan_wang@163.com, dongyuan.wang@gmail.com
Education (教育背景)
Ph.D.,Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2002, University of Texas at Austin, USA
M.S.,Bridge-Tunnel Structure Engineering, 1992, Northern Jiaotong University, China
B.S.,Railway Engineering, 1989, Southwest Jiaotong University, China
Affiliations & Activities(学术机构和社会服务)
Member, ASCE (美国土木工程师学会会员)
Member, IABSE (国际桥梁和结构工程学会会员)
美国德州注册工程师 (#91658)
Research Interests (研究领域)
Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering (岩土和环境岩土工程)
Underground Structural Engineering (地下结构工程)
Wind energy and infrastructures (风电设施中的基建问题)
Geotechnical & Structural Reliabilty ( 岩土与结构可靠度)
Research Projects (研究项目)
2011-2012, Micropile design technique, simulation & interpretation methods of static loading tests (微桩设计、模拟和静荷试验数据分析初步研究), TIUC, 天津城建学院科研启动基金
1998-2002, Model Calibration in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (岩土和环境岩土中的模型校核研究), National Science Foundation, USA; The Texas Advance Research Program, British Petroleum, UK (美国国家自然科学基金委,德州高级研究项目署,英国BP 石油公司联合资助)
1996-1997, Risk Assessment and Mitigation of Landslides in Hong Kong
(香港滑坡风险评估和减灾研究)Hong Kong Government
1992-1994, Code Improvement for Embankment of Railway (铁路高路基规范改进研究),Ministry of Railway, China
1990-1992, Analysis and Reliability-based Design of Tunnel Lining Structures(基于可靠度理论的隧道衬砌结构分析和设计),Ministry of Railway, China
Selective Engineering Projects (工程服务)
Wind Farms (风力电场项目)
Sweetwater Wind Farm V (46x2.3MW), TX, US; Sweetwater Wind Farm VIb
(35x2.3MW), TX, US; Whirlwind Energy Center (28x2.3MW), TX, US. Cross Timber Wind Farms, Post Oak Phase (100x2.0 MW), TX, US; White Creek Wind Farms (89x2.3 MW), WA, US; Marengo Wind Farm (78x1.8MW), WA, US.
Transportation (交通工程项目)
US 183 A Tollroad Project, Austin, TX, US (造价5亿美元)
US 130 Turnpike Project, Austin, TX, US (总造价13.8亿美元)
美国纽约州St. Joseph 医院停车场及办公楼
中国北京三座房建施工, 主要负责施工技术和管理。
Industrial Projects工业项目
印度 GCW (Gujarat, 4x23MW) and Vikram (2x23MW) 热电厂
Geotechnical Consulting 岩土工程咨询项目
王东元,王思敬,风电项目中的土木工程问题及对有关研究的思考和发展展望,中国工程科学,No. 9, Vol. 13 (2011), pp.31-37.
Dongyuan Wang, Jianjun Zhao, Yuming Zhou, Liqiang Lu, Interpreting Ultimate Capacity of Driven Piles with S-lgt Curve and Davisson Offset Limit, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol 90-93,(2011), pp.121-127 (EI Indexed).
Hanpeng Liu, Dongyuan Wang(corresponding author), Zhijun Ma, Determination, Derivation, Influence and discussions of Parameters for Deformation Analysis with Duncan-Chang Modified E-B model, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols 90-93,(2011), pp.157-164. (EI indexed)
Dongyuan Wang, Yuming Zhou, Jianjun Zhao, Yabin Yin and Ju Liu, Comparisons of Interpreting Ultimate Capacity of Piles Based on Axial Static Load Testing Data between Chinese and Western Methods, E-Journal of Geotechnical Engieering, 2011-16P, pp.1-13,online: http://www.ejge.com/2011/JourTOC16P.htm ,(EI)
王东元,毛毳,赵建军等,中美基础工程课程和教学方法比较,高等建筑教育,No. 5, 2011, pp95-99.
Dongyuan Wang, Mingqiang Li, Hanpeng Liu, Jianjun Zhao, SWOT Analysis of Chinese International Contractors under New Trend of International EPC Projects, Chinese Journal of Project Management Technology, Dec.2010, pp.411-415.