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孙玉壮,男,50岁,教授,德国亚琛工业大学地学院博士,德国海德堡大学博士后。地质学科带头人,河北省煤炭学会副会长;邯郸市地质学会理事长;《World Journal of Engineering》杂志主编。
招生专业:地质工程、矿产普查与勘探 、环境工程
2、“中国树皮煤的岩石学和地球化学特征” 获2004年度河北省自然科学三等奖,邯郸市科技进步一等奖,排名第一。
3、 自从1994年以来论文被“SCI”收录26篇,被“SCI”他人正面引用36次,被  “EI”收录16篇。
1.Yuzhuang Sun and B. Horsfield (2005) Comparison of the Geochemical Characteristicsof “Barkinite” and Other MaceralsFrom the Dahe Mine, South China. Energy Exploration and Exploitation· Volume 23 · Number 6 · 2005 pp. 475–494
2.Yu-Zhuang Sun, Wang Jinxi, Li Shifeng, Jin Kankun, and Lin Mingyue (2005) Mechanism of Uranium Accumulation in the Kupferschiefer From Poland and Germany. Energy Exploration and Exploitation · Volume 23 · Number 6 · 2005 pp. 463–473
3.Sun Y. Z. (2003) Petrologic and geochemical characteristics of “barkinite” from the Dahe mine, Guizhou Province, China. Int. J. Coal Geol. 56, 269-276. (SCI, EI检索)
4.Sun YZ; Zhang HJ; Du ZC; Li QX; Li ZX (2003) Organic pollution of street dust in the Handan City, China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2003, Vol 70, Iss 3, pp 422-429 (SCI, EI检索)
5.Sun Y. Z., W. Püttmann, W. Kalkreuth, B. Horsfield (2002) Petrologic and Geochemical Characteristics of Seam 9-3 and Seam 2, Xingtai Coalfield, Northern China. Int. J. Coal Geol 49, 251-262. (SCI, EI检索)
6.Sun Y. Z. and Püttmann W. (2001) Oxidation of organic matter in the transition zone of the Zechstein Kupferschiefer from the Sangerhausen Basin, Germany. Energy and Fuels 15(4), 817-829. (SCI, EI检索)
7.Sun Y. Z. and Püttmann W. (2000) The role of organic matter during metal accumulation in Permian Kupferschiefer from the Sangerhausen Basin, Germany. Org. Geochem. 31(11), 1143-1161. (SCI, 检索)
8.Sun Y. Z. Leischner A. And Goebbels F.-J. (2000) Residuary toxic elements and PAHs in sediments of the Zbiornik Gilow tailings pond and Zimmica stream from Lubin Dsitrict, Southwest Poland. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 22: 249-261。(SCI, 检索)
9.Sun Y. Z., Bing-Shan Wang and Ming-Yue Lin (1998) Maceral and Geochemical Characteristics of Coal Seam 1 and Oil Shale 1 in Fault-controlled Huangxian Basin,China Organic Geochenistry 29, 583-591
10.Sun Y. Z. (1998) Influences of secondary oxidation and sulfide formation on several maturity parameters in Kupferschiefer. Organic Geochenistry 29, 1419-1429. (独著)(SCI, EI,ISTP检索)
11.Sun Y. Z. and Püttmann W. (1997) Metal accumulation during and after deposition of the Kupferschiefer from the Sangerhausen basin, Germany. Appl. Geochem. 12, 577-592. (SCI,检索
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