1. Xinyong Dong, T. Li, Y. Liu, Y. Li, C.-L. Zhao and C.C. Chan, “Polyvinyl alcohol-coated hybrid fiber grating for relative humidity sensing,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, vol. 16(7), p.077001, Jul. 2011.
2. Xinyong Dong, Y. Liu, L.-Y. Shao, J. Kang, and C.-L. Zhao, “Temperature-independent bending sensor based on a superimposed fiber Bragg grating,” IEEE Sensors, accepted.
3. Wenjun Zhou, Xinyong Dong, Li-Yang Shao, C.C. Chan, C.-L. Zhao, and P. Shum, “Compact refractometer based on extrinsic-phase-shift fiber Bragg grating”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 168, pp. 46-50, May 1 2011.
4. Juan Kang, Xinyong Dong, Chunliu Zhao, Wenwen Qian and Mengchao Li, “Simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature with a long-period fiber grating inscribed Sagnac interferometer,” Optics Communications, vol. 284(8), pp. 2145-2148, 15 Apr. 2011.
5. X. Dong, and P. Shum, “Tunable fiber Bragg grating filters realized by chirp rate tuning with a cantilever beam,” Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China, vol. 3(1), pp. 71-74, Mar. 2010.
6. H. Bao, X. Dong, L.Y. Shao, C. Zhao, C.C. Chan and P. Shum, “Temperature-insensitive pendulum clinometer using two fiber Bragg gratings for 2D tilt angle measurement”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 22 (12), pp. 863-865, Jun 2010;
7. H. Bao, X. Dong, L.Y. Shao, C. Zhao, and S. Jin, “Temperature-insensitive 2-D tilt sensor by incorporating fiber Bragg gratings with a hybrid pendulum”, Optics Communications, vol. 283(24), pp. 5021-5024, Dec. 2010.
8. H. Bao, X. Dong, C. Zhao, C.C. Chan and P. Shum, “Temperature-insensitive FBG tilt sensor with a large measurement range”, Optics Communications, vol. 283(6), pp. 968-970, Mar. 2010.
9. W. Zhou, X. Dong, K. Ni, C.C. Chan, and P. Shum, “Temperature insensitive accelerometer based on a strain-chirped FBG”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 157, pp. 15-18, Jan. 2010;
10. S. He, X. Dong, K. Ni, C.C. Chan, and P. Shum, “Temperature-insensitive 2D tilt sensor with three fiber Bragg gratings,” Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 21(2), p. 025203, Feb. 2010;
11. X. Dong and H.Y. Tam,《Progress in Optical Fibers Research》 Chapter 6, ISBN 1-0021-868-7, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., USA,2008.
12. X. Dong, L.Y. Shao, H.Y. Fu, H.Y. Tam, and C. Lu, “Intensity-modulated fiber Bragg grating sensor system based on radio-frequency signal measurement,” Optics Letters, vol. 33(5), pp. 482-484, Mar. 2008.
13. X. Dong, P. Shum, and C.C. Chan, 《Progress in Smart Materials and Structures Research》第7章, ISBN 1-60021-106-2, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., USA,2007.
13. X. Dong, H.Y. Tam, and P. Shum, “Temperature-insensitive strain sensor with polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber based Sagnac interferometer,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 90(15), p. 151113, Apr. 2007.
14. X. Dong, P. Shum, N.Q. Ngo, and C.C. Chan, “Multiwavelength Raman fiber laser with a continuously-tunable spacing,” Optics Express, vol. 14(8), pp. 3288-3293, Apr. 2006
15. X. Dong, P. Shum, C.C. Chan, and X. Yang, “FSR-tunable Fabry-Pérot filter with superimposed, chirped fiber Bragg gratings”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 18(1), pp. 184-186, Jan. 2006.
16. X. Dong, P. Shum, N.Q. Ngo, H.-Y. Tam, and X. Dong, “Output power characteristics of tunable erbium-doped fiber ring lasers,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 23 (3), pp. 1334-1341, Mar. 2005.