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在 研 课 题
  d. 参加国家自然科学基金项目《奇异摄动时滞系统最优控制近似方法研究》,批准号:60874029
获 奖 情 况
近 期 发 表 的 主 要 专 著
  Main Papers of Journal in English
  1.T. F. Xie, F.L. Cao*, The errors in simultaneous approximation by feed-forward neural networks, Neurocomputing, 73 (2010), 903–907 (SCI)
  2.F. L. Cao*, S. B. Lin, B. L. Zhang. On General Bernstein-and-Nikolskii-Type Inequalities. Applied Mathematics-A J. Chinese University, 25(1), 2010, 35-42 (SCI)
  3.Z. X. Chen, F. L. Cao*. Global errors for approximate approximations with Gaussian kernels on compact intervals. Applied Math. Computation, 217 (2010) 725–734 (SCI)
  4.F. L. Cao*, Y. F. Liu. Approximation theorems by positive linear operators in weighted spaces, Positivity, 2010, DOI 10.1007/s11117-009-0043-2(SCI)
  5.F.L. Cao*, X. F. Guo. Approximation by Jackson-Type Operator on the Sphere. Mathmatical Communications, 2010, in press (SCI)
  6.T. F. Xie, F. L. Cao*. The Ridge Function Representation of Polynomials and an Application to Neural Networks, Acta Math. Sinica (English Series), 2010, in press (SCI)
  7.Z. B. Xu, Y. Q. Zhang, F. L. Cao*. Estimation of convergence rate for multiregression learning algorithm, Scinece in China Series F: Information Science, 2010, in press (SCI)
  8.F. L. Cao*, S. B. Lin, Zongben Xu. Constructive approximate interpolation by neural networks in the metric space. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 52,2010, 1674-1681(SCI)
  9.Y. Q. Zhang, F. L. Cao*, Z. B. Xu. Optimal rate of the regularized regression learning algorithm. International J. of Computer Math.,  21010, in press (SCI)
  10.F. L. Cao*, S. B. Lin. The capablities of approximation for interpolation neural  networks on the sphere. Math. Methods in Applied Science, 2010, in press(SCI)
  11.Y. Q. Zhang, F. L. Cao*, Z. B. Xu. Estimation of learning rate of least square algorithm via Jackson operators. Neurocomputing ,  2010,  in press (SCI)
  12.F. L. Cao*, S. B. Lin. The capabilities of approximation for interpolation neural  networks. Neurocomputing, 2010, in press (SCI)
  13.Y. G. Wang, F. L. Cao* Y. Y. Yuan. A study on effectiveness of extreme learning machine, Neurocomputing, 2010, in press (SCI)
  14.F. L. Cao*, S. B. Lin. The best approximation for polynomials and neural networks on the unit sphere. J. Approx. Theory,  2010, revised (SCI)
  15.F. L. Cao*. D. Wu. Learning Rates for Regularized Classifiers Using Trigonometric Polynomial Kernels, Neural Processing Letters, 2010, revised (SCI)
  16.F. L. Cao*, C. W. Yan. Learning errors of linear programming support vector regression. Applied Math. Modelling, 2010, revised (SCI)
  17.J. Y. Xiong, F. L. Cao*, R. Y. Yang. The direct and inverse theorems of approximation for Jackson polynomials on the sphere. Ann. Math., 2010,in press
  18.S. B. Lin, F. L. Cao*. $L^p$ approximation by shifts of smooth kernels on sphere. Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics, 2010, in press
  19.F. L. Cao*, Y. Q. Zhang, Z. R. He. Interpolation and rate of convergence by a class of neural networks, Applied Math. Modell., 2009,33,1441-1456(SCI)
  20.F. L. Cao*, R. Zhang. The Errors of Approximation for Feedforward Neural Networks in the Lp Metric, Math. and Computer Modelling, 2009, 49, 1563 -1572 ( SCI)
  21.F. L. Cao*. Y. Q. Zhang, Z. B. Xu. The lower estimation of approximation rate for neural networks, Science in China Ser. F-Inform. Science, 2009 , 52(8), 1283-1490 (SCI)
  22.Z. X. Chen, F. L. Cao*. The approximation operators with sigmoidal functions Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 58 (2009) : 758-765(SCI,EI)
  23.Y. G. Wang, F. L. Cao*, The Direct and Converse Inequalities for Jackson-Type Operators on Spherical Cap, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Volume 2009, Article ID 205298, 16 pages (SCI)
  24.L. Cao*, S. B. Lin. Markov Inequalities for Polynomials with Restricted Coefficients, Journal of Inequalities and Applications,Volume 2009, Article ID 808720, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2009/808720 (SCI)
  25.C. M. Ding, F. L. Cao* The K-functionals and multivariate Bernstein operators, J. Approx. Theory,155,2008,125-135(SCI)
  26.F. L. Cao, T. F. Xie and Z. B. Xu. The estimate of approximation error for neural networks: a constructive approach, Neurocomputing, 2008, 71, 626-630( SCI)
  27.F. L. Cao, C. M. Ding. Lp Approximation by multivariate Baskakov-Kantorovich operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2008,348, 856-861(SCI)
  28.Y. M. Li, Z. B. Xu, F. L. Cao. An Improvement to Ant Colony Optimization Heuristic, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2008(EI)
  29. C. M. Ding, F. L. Cao and Z. B. Xu. The essential order of approximation with trigonometric hidden layer units, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006, 3971,72-79 (SCI)
  30.Y. M. Li and F.L. Cao. Projection type neural network and its convergence analysis, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 2006, 4(3),286-290
  31.F. L. Cao. Derivatives of multidimensional Bernstein operators and smoothness, J. Approx. Theory, 2005,132(2),241-257(SCI)
  32.F. L. Cao, C.M. Ding and Z. B. Xu. On multivariate Baskakov operator, J. Math. Anal. Appli., 2005,307(2),274-291(SCI)
  33.F.L. Cao, Z.B. Xu and Y.M. Li. Pointwise approximation for neural networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005,3496,39-44(SCI, EI)
  34.Z.B. Xu and F.L. Cao, Simultaneous L^p approximation order for neural networks, Neural Networks, 2005,18,914-923(SCI, EI)
  35.Y.M. Li, Z.B. Xu and F.L. Cao. Generalization and Property Analysis of GENET, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005,3498,65-70 (SCI,EI)
  36.Z.B. Xu and F. L. Cao. The essential order of approximation for neural networks Science in China (F), 2004,47, 97-112(SCI, EI)
  37.F.L. Cao. Modulus of continuity, K-functional and Stancu operator on a simplex, Indian J. Pure and Applied Math., 2004, 35(12),1343-1364(SCI)
  38.F.L.Cao. Lp approximation by general Bernstein -Durrmeyer operator defined on simplex. Analysis in Theory and Applications, 20, 2004, 35-51
  39.R. Y. Yang, J. Y. Xiong, F. L. Cao. Strong converse inequality for modified Szasze operators. J. Math. Res. & Expo., 2004, 24(3), 437-444
  40.F.L.Cao and  Z.B.Xu. Local and global theorems of approximation for Baskakov operators. Indian J. Pure and Applied Math., 2003, 34(3),385-396(SCI, EI)
  41.Y. R. Yang, J.Y. Xiong and F. L. Cao. Multivariate Stancu operators defined on a simplex. Applied Math. Comput., 2003, 138(3), 189-198(SCI, EI)
  42.F. L. Cao,Y.M. Li and Z.B. Xu. Simultaneous approximation by neural networks with one hidden layer. J. of Software,2003,14(11), 1869-1874 (EI)
  43.P. Zhang, F. L. Cao, Z. B. Xu. Multivariate modulus of smoothness in Orilcz spaces and its application. Advances in Mathematics (China), 2003, 32(6), 695-705
  44.F. L. Cao. Pointwise and global estimates for reciprocal approximation of polynomials with positive coefficients. Mathematica Applicata. 2003, 16(1), 65-69  
  45.F.L.Cao and J.Y.Xiong. Steckin-Marchaud-type inequality in connection with L^p approximation for multivariate Bernstein -Durrmeyer operators, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics, 2001, 2(2): 137-142
  Main Papers of Journal in Chinese
  46.徐宗本,张永全,曹飞龙*. 多元回归学习算法的收敛速度估计. 中国科学,F辑:信息科学,2010,出版中
  47.曹飞龙*,林绍波. 卫卫跟踪的球面Tiknonov正则化小波误差估计. 地球物理学进展,2010, 出版中
  48.曹飞龙*,林绍波. 多元Newman不等式与逼近逆定理. 数学进展, 21010, 出版中
  49.林绍波, 曹飞龙*. 球面光滑核漂移的Lp逼近. 数学年刊(A辑),2010,出版中
  50.李振彩,曹飞龙*,具有多项式核的支持向量机的逼近,计算机科学,36(8A): 2009,84-86
  51.徐士英,曹飞龙*. 距离空间中插值神经网络的误差估计,系统科学与数学,2009,29(5):670-676
  52.徐士英,曹飞龙*. 多元插值神经网络的一个注记,高校应用数学学报,2009,24(1): 91-94
  53.曹飞龙,潘星, 杨汝月. 逼近已知函数微商的广义Lanczos 算法. 系统科学与数学,2009, 29(12), 1593-1604
  54.张永全,曹飞龙,徐宗本. Cardaliguet-Eurrard型神经网络算子逼近,数学学报,2008,50(11)1161-1174
  55.曹飞龙,张永全. 距离空间中的神经网络插值与逼近,数学学报,2008,50(2),51(1),91-98
  56. 谢庭藩,曹飞龙. 插值神经网络的构造性, 自然科学进展, 2008, 18(3),334-340
  57.杨汝月,潘星,曹飞龙.压缩数据集的快速支持向量分类机算法. 计算机应用与软件,2008年 第25卷 第12期
  58.曹飞龙,张永全,张卫国. 单隐层神经网络与最佳多项式逼近. 数学学报, 2007, 50(2), 385-392
  59.曹飞龙,张永全,潘星. 构造前向神经网络逼近多元多项式函数,模式识别与人工智能,2007,20(3),331-335(EI)
  60.王宏勇,曹飞龙. 分形插值函数的矩量及扰动误差估计,高校应用数学学报,2007,22(2),225-232
  61.杨守志,曹飞龙.伸缩因子为a的r重正交平衡的多小波. 自然科学进展, 2006, 16(2), 177-182
  62.曹飞龙. 多元Stancu多项式与连续模. 数学学报,2005, 48(1),51-62
  63.曹飞龙,王宏勇. 多元Stancu算子的Boolean和迭代, 数学进展, 2005, 34, 600-608
  64.曹飞龙,徐宗本. 神经网络的本质逼近阶. 中国科学(E辑),  2004, 34(1), 361-373
  65.曹飞龙,杨汝月.多元Stancu多项式最优逼近阶及其特征刻画. 应用数学学报,2004,27(2), 218-229
  66.熊静宜,曹飞龙,杨汝月. 多元Bernsrein-Durrmeyer型算子及其逼近特征. 系统科学与数学,2004, 24(4), 469-478
  67.孟德宇,曹飞龙. 区间搅浑算法. 计算机科学,2004,31(10.A), 229-230
  68.曹飞龙,徐宗本.单纯形上Stancu多项式与最佳多项式逼近. 数学学报,2003, 46(1), 189-196
  69.曹飞龙,徐宗本, 梁吉业. 多项式函数的神经网络逼近:网络构造与逼近算法. 计算机学报,2003,26(8), 906-912(EI)
  70.曹飞龙,熊静宜. 单纯型上Durrmeyer多项式对连续函数收敛速度的估计. 数学研究与评论,2002,22(1)123-128
  71.曹飞龙,徐宗本. 多变元周期函数的神经网络逼近:逼近阶估计. 计算机学报,2001, 24(9), 903-908
  72.曹飞龙,熊静宜.多元Bernstein-Dummeyer算子Lp逼近的Steckin-Machaud型不等式. 数学年刊,2001, 22(2), 151-156
  73.曹飞龙,杨汝月,徐宗本. 多元Bernstein算子导数与函数光滑性. 应用数学学报,2001,24(32), 582-689
  74.曹飞龙,张学东. D维Bernstein算子加Jacobi权的收敛接阶. 计算数学,2001, 23(4), 407-416
  75.曹飞龙,徐宗本. 多元Bernstein多项式加权逼近的Steckin-Machaud型不等式. 数学物理学报,2001,21A, 391-397
主 持 完 成 的 科 研 项 目
  a.国家自然科学基金面上项目《关于神经网络结构复杂性与本质逼近阶研究》, 编号:60473034;
  b.中国博士后科学基金项目《神经网络本质逼近阶与隐层设计研究》,编号: 20040350225;
  c.教育部科学技术重点基金项目《前向人工神经网络逼近算法与逼近阶估计》, 编号: 03142;
  e.浙江省教育厅科技重点项目《球面数据挖掘与神经计算》,编号: 20060543
个 人 简 历
  1965年8月生,教授,博士后,博士生导师。理学院院长、浙江省“应用数学”重点学科(A类)负责人。2003年3月获西安交通大学理学博士学位,2006年西安交通大学力学博士后流动站出站,1993年任讲师,2002年破格晋升教授。2005.8-2005.9任香港浸会大学计算机系访问教授,2006.7-2006.9任复旦大学教育部“非线性数学模型与方法”重点实验室访问教授,2004年起在中国计量学院任教,2007年兼任西安交通大学博士生导师。主讲过数学系本科生数学分析、复变函数、实变函数、泛函分析、逼近论选讲,软计算方法,概率论以及研究生的神经网络基础、神经网络设计与算法、智能计算、泛函分析、函数逼近论、算子逼近等课程。主持国家、省部级课题多项,在《Neural Networks》、《Journal of Approximation Theory》、《Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications》、《Neurocomputing》、《Applied Mathematics Modelling》、《Applied Mathematics and Computation》、《Mathematics and Computer Modelling》、《Computer Mathematics with Applications》、《中国科学》(E、F)、《自然科学进展》、《数学学报》、《数学年刊》、《数学进展》、《计算数学》、《应用数学学报》、《数学物理学报》、《系统科学与数学》、《计算机学报》、《软件学报》、《模式识别与人工智能》等刊物上发表学术论文150余篇,其中被SCI、EI检索50多篇。
其 他
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