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  Brief Introduction to the College of Agronomy
  The College of Agronomy was established in 1958once named the Department of Agronomywhich had four disciplines ----- agronomyplant protectionsoil chemistry and horticultureDuring the time from 1971 to 1980the three specialties ----- horticultureplant protection and soil chemistry specialtieswere separated from the Department of Agronomy and became different independent departmentsIn 2001the Department of Agronomy was renamed the College of AgronomyIn 2004it merged with the Department of Horticulturewhich marked the establishment of the new the College of Agronomy
  At presentthe College has seven departments ----- crop productioncrop genetics and breedingpomologyvegetable science andrural area development?cultivation and identification of Chinese herbal medicine and ornamental horticultureIt has 6 specialties for Doctoral candidatesCrop cultivation and farming systemsCrop genetics and breedingMedicinal plants resources and utilizationprotected croppingCrop protectionand Crop ecology and physiologyThe college has 6 specialties for Master candidatesCrop cultivation and farming systemsCrop genetics and breedingMedicinal plants resources and utilizationPomologyOlericulltureand Protected croppingIt also has 6 specialties for undergraduatesAgronomyHorticultureRural regional developmentCultivation and identification of Chinese herbsProtected agricultural science & engineeringand seed science & engineeringCrop Science as the first-class discipline is a Post-doctoral Research Station
  The College of Agronomy has 76 members of staff56 full-time teachers19 professors or researchers),18 associate professors associate researchers).Among them there are 17 PhD instructors including 4 externals),65 Postgraduate tutors including 30 outside),1 candidate for the National Programme of “Hundred-thousand-ten thousand Qualified Scientists and Technicians”1 “National Middle Age and Young Expert Who Has Outstanding Contribution to the Country ”1 “National model teacher”1 “national pacesetter for agricultural science & technology extention ”1 Provincial Excellent Expert5 of the staff feasting special allowance from the State Council of China7 had been enrolled in Gansu Provincial “Project for the Cultivation of 333 Talents”7 had been enrolled in Gansu Provincial “Project for the Cultivation of 555 innovative Talents ”5 had been awarded “Successful young teachers in colleges and universities of Gansu Province”The current student enrollment is 1403including 1091 undergraduates263 post-graduates and 49 PhD students
  The College adhered to the educational principle to combine teaching and researching with the social servicesto strengthen practice teaching and enhance the students’ capacity by participating in production and research activitiesIt has one experimental teaching model centre of national-degree plant productionincluding 1 key disciplines laboratory6 GM laboratories11 teaching practice bases inside and outside school and 7 research institutesThereforeit is greatly qualified to carry out the teaching experimentsproduction practice and scientific research
  Over the past three yearsa total of 209 research projects funded by nationalprovincial foundations had been granted32 of them are national research projectsTotal outlay for scientific research has been about 19 millionIn the last 3 yearsthe College had been granted 2 items of technology patentawarded 1 Second Prize of National AgricultureAnimal Husbandry and Fishery Harvest6 Second Prizes and 7 third Prizes of “Advancement of Science and Technology”by Science and Technology Committee of Gansu Province19 monographs and national commission teaching books107 key journal articles had been publishedCurrently43 research projects are ongoing10 of which are funded by “973”“863”and “National Key Technology R&D Program”of the Ministry of Science and TechnologyNatural Science Foundation of China and international foundations
  Since 1958the College has cultivated more than 12720 various graduates including 69 PhD students328 MS students57 professional post-graduates4924 undergraduates1025 college students6330 adult education students since its establishment in 1958All of them have acquired great achievements in the agriculture and rural economics in Gansu Province and other Provinces
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