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A HISTORICAL REVIEW OF AMERICAN BUSINESS As we mentioned previously, economics involves learning about a society's use of limited productive resources to satisfy the unlimited desires of its citizens. American economic success arises from the freedom to own property, freedom of choice, freedom to earn a reasonable profit, sufficient natural resources, hard-working and educated people, and outstanding business leadership. Throughout America's history, business leaders have displayed their talents in organizing businesses, managing human resources, financing business, marketing goods and services, and using information resources. However, Americans have no guarantee of being world leaders in business transactions, know-how, and success. Today their business leadership is being challenged by creative, hardworking, astute competitors throughout the world, especially in Japan, Germany, Italy, South Korea, and Hong Kong. Historically, the influences of many societies and cultures have formed the business values that helped make the United States a worldwide economic power. Let's review the stages through which American business has reached its present position in the world. (未完待续)

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