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发布时间:2018-9-1 3:13:43
470 华南理工大学 2007 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷 (试卷上做答无效,请在答题纸上做答,试后本卷必须与答题纸一同交回) 科目名称:语言学和英美文学基础知识 适用专业:英语语言文学 外国语言学及应用语言学 共 5 页 第 1 页 Part One: Test for Students of both Linguistics and Literature I. Define the following terms in your own words (20 points) 1. minimal pairs 2. chain relation 3. communicative competence 4. duality 5. performance 6. point of view 7. climax 8. theme 9. round character 10. setting II. Answer the following questions (30 points) 1. What is the difference between langue and parole? 2. What is concord and government? 3. One of the main features of human language is arbitrariness. Briefly explain what this feature refers to. Give examples if necessary. 4. Literature is a reflection of social life of human beings. Do you agree or disagree? Please explain. 5. Why do you think we should read literary works? 6. William Wordsworth says that poetry “is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility”. Do you agree with him? Part Two: Test for Students of Linguistics I. Discuss and comment on the following topics (40 points) 购买考研、考博历年真题资料,请到http://www.kaoboinfo.com |考博信息网 查询清单、购买下载电子版真题 购买考研、考博历年真题资料,请到http://www.kaoboinfo.com |考博信息网 查询清单、购买下载电子版真题