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2002 国际关系学院英语专业 硕士入学试题 英语(一) 1 答案必须写在答题纸上, 写在试题纸上的无效 2 限三个小时内完卷 3 考生不得携带任何辞典或书本 4 交卷时必须交还试题 ⅠTranslate the following into Chinese: (50%) The news of Roosevelt’s death reached Washington in the early afternoon on April 12, 1945. It is hardly necessary to point out the importance of Franklin D Roosevelt. He was a world figure of monumental proportions. Roosevelt’s strength in dealing with foreign leaders stemmed from his enormous popularity throughout the world, even in countries he had never been in. Yet it cannot be said that he was a likable man. He preferred informal relationships which were informal merely in structure. He could not stand protocol in the accepted sense of the world but was quick to resent the slightest departure from the respect normally accorded the President of the United States, and the aura of the office was always around him. Even Hopkins was always respectful and careful in his manner with the president. Roosevelt influenced people by the fact that he was president. Among those who worked with him in the white house for long periods of time, there was real affection for him, but not the kind of human feeling that springs from personal love. In foreign affairs, Roosevelt did his job only moderately well. The methods and techniques that he usually used with consummate skill in domestic politics did not fit well in foreign affairs. He relied on his instinctive grasp of the subject, which was good, and his genius for improvisation to find solutions to problems. In domestic affairs, where all elements were under the same national roof and there fore the reactions had a pattern of similarity, this technique worked. In foreign affairs, this style meant a lack of precision, which, as people have pointed out, was a serious fault. A deeper knowledge of history and certainly a better understanding of reactions of foreign peoples would have been useful to the president. Helpful, too, would have been more study of the position papers prepared by American conviction that the other fellow is a “good guy”who will respond properly and decently if you treat him right. Roosevelt did lead the United States out of its isolationism; he saw the menace of Hitler long before most other American leaders. Without him, it is unlikely that there would be the United Nations, which, as weak as it is, can be a useful forum in world affairs. His greatest single mistake was his insistence on the doctrine of unconditional surrender which probably lengthened the war by convincing the Germans they should fight on and precluded the formation of a government that could have negotiated with the Allies and possibly prevented the division of the country.