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发布时间:2018-9-1 4:33:46
本免费资料由考研金钥匙整理,严禁用于商业用途。qq:9722019 第 1 页 共 2 页 对外经济贸易大学 2004 年硕士研究生入学考试企业管理综合试卷 第一部分:管理专业英语 Ⅰ、Carefully fill in each of the 10 blanks with a word most appropriate to the context(10 points) Large organizations are able to achieve economies of ( ) and to reach ( ) to the global market. The small organization is more responsive ( ) customers and flexible. Its reach is usually only regional. The structure of the large organization is often mechanistic with emphasis ( ) the vertical hierarchy. Although keep ( ) mind that successful large organizations are decentralized. ( ) the small organization is ( ) likely to have a ( ) structure and be more organic. The large organization is ( ) complex and likely to breed organization men, while the small organization can be kept simple in a relatively ( ) environment, and foster entrepreneurs. Ⅱ、True /False Question (30points each 1.5 points) 1. The belief that a person’s effort will result in performance is referred to as expectancy. 2. The Hawthorne studies were conducted by a team of researchers headed by Henry Foyal. 3. The practice of expanding the content of a job by adding more tasks at the same level most closely describes the practice of job enlargement. 4. According to Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory, pleasant working conditions are most likely to be associated with job satisfaction. 5. Victor Vroom explains that motivation is a product of three factors: valence, expectancy, and instrumentality. 6. The assumption that high satisfaction always lends to high employee performance is a cornerstone of effective management. 7. Each manager needs to learn who the key informal leader is in any group and to work especially with that person to encourage behavior that furthers the accomplishment of organizational objectives. 8. Accurate interpersonal communication occurs when the sender transmits the message accurately. 9. Individuals who isolate themselves from others are using self-denying. 10. Cohesiveness is when individuals conform because of real or imagined group pressure. 11. Subordinates who do something to avoid punishment by the manager are responding to the manager’s legitimate power. 12. Adoption of a flexible-hours working system is not a type of reward. 13. The extent to which an organization’s departments vary in structure, people orientations, time horizon orientations, and uncertainty is known as line and staff separation. 14. Functional structure is a situation in which some employees report to two or more higher level managers. 15. In McGregor’s Theory X view, individuals on the job are usually interested in working hard. 16. Heredity affects personality indirectly in terms of genetic pool only. 17. A generalization about a class or group of people is called stereotype. 18. The most common influence process is expert power. 19. A sense of accomplishment from a job well done is considered as extrinsic reward for work. 20. A group of managers met to decide how much company money should be invested in a new untested product that had a high potential for significant profits if successful, but also a high potential for total failure and loss of investment money. Individually, before the meeting, no manager believed that more