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发布时间:2018-9-1 9:04:09
共 2 页 第 1 页 华侨大学 2012 年硕士研究生入学考试专业课试卷 (答案必须写在答题纸上) 招生专业 英语语言文学 科目名称 翻译与写作 科目代码 862 Part I Translate the following passage into Chinese : 40 points The civilization of China, as everyone knows, is based upon the teaching of Confucius, who flourished five hundred years before Christ. Like the Greeks and Romans, he did not think of human society as naturally progressive; on the contrary, he believed that in remote antiquity rulers had been wise, and the people had been happy to a degree which the degenerate present could admire but hardly achieve. This, of course, was a delusion. But the practical result was that Confucius, like other teachers of antiquity, aimed at creating a stable society, maintaining a certain level of excellence, but not always striving after new successes. In this he was more successful than any other men who ever lived. His personality has been stamped on Chinese civilization from his day to our own. During his lifetime the Chinese occupied only a small part of present-day China, and were divided into a number of warring states. During the next three hundred years they established themselves throughout what is now China proper, and founded an empire exceeding in territory and population any other that existed until the last fifty years. In spite of barbarian invasions, Mongol and Manchu dynasties, and occasional longer or shorter periods of chaos and civil war, the Confucian system survived, bringing with it art and literature and a civilized way of life. It is only in our own day, through contact with the West and with the westernized Japanese, that this system has begun to break down. Part II Translate the following passage into English:35 points 一个王朝之所以覆灭,是全面衰败的结果,绝非单独事件所造成的。不过历史学者 和史评家们常常挑出某些特定的事件,认为它们是导致旧朝代灭亡的主要原因。他们有 时甚至声称,假若不是因为某件事,改朝换代就不会发生。清代就有不少学者把明朝的 覆亡归咎于崇祯皇帝处决了他手下最具才干的大将袁崇焕。还有一种说法盛行于通俗作 家之中,认为使异族入主华夏的罪魁乃是一位叫陈圆圆的美貌女子,而她不过是山海关 统兵大帅吴三桂花一千两银子买来作妾的一位歌女而己。