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2019 考博英语词汇 语法题练习附答案解析(13)

考博英语 词汇语法题是各博士招生院校常考题型之一,考博信息网|http://www.kaoboinfo.com教育考博频道整理了考博英语词汇语法题练习供考博生们参考练习。

1. The atmosphere ________ of certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.

A) composes

B) comprises

C) consists

D) constitutes

2. While he was in the office he________ doing something to doing nothing.

A) preferred

B) liked

C) favoured

D) approved

3. Metals________ when cooled and expand when heated.

A) decrease

B) reduce

C) condense

D) contract

4. Take your raincoat with you________ it rains.

A) by chance

B) in case

C) at large

D) on occasion

5. He was afraid he would have to________ her invitation to the party.

A) refute

B) refuse

C) reject

D) decline

6.At the Committee last Saturday the following proposal was agreed________ by those present.

A) to

B) with

C) over

D) at

7. We went to see the exhibition________ the storm.

A) but for

B) in spite of

C) for the sake of

D) instead of

8.To my surprise, at yesterday’s meeting he again brought________ the plan that had been disapproved a week before.

A) about

B) out

C) back

D) up

9. The doctor took X-rays to________ the chance of broken bones.

A) make sure

B) rule out

C) break down

D) knock out

10. He felt it rather difficult to take a stand________ the opinion of the majority.

A) for

B) against

C) to

D) by

11.He has behaved in the most extraordinary way recently; I can’t________ his behaving like that at all.

A) look into

B) break through

C) account for

D) get over

12. How did it come________ that you made a lot of mistakes in your homework

A) about

B) along

C) around

D) by

13. He could produce no evidence________ his argument.

A) in respect of

B) in view of

C) in support of

D) on account of

14.The government should________ with the irrational regulations restricting drinking hours.

A) break away

B) come up

C) get away

D) do away

15. I know him well enough to accept his explanation________ .

A) without question

B) by all means

C) at any cost

D) in any case

16. It was a small country house, but it was large________ urban standards.

A) at

B) for

C) by

D) from

17.The travellers sought shelter________ the rain and happened to find a road-side inn.

A) from

B) against

C) for

D) with

18. All our attempts to________ the child from drowning were in vain.

A) regain

B) recover

C) reserve

D) rescue

19. This is the first draft of the book. Please feel perfectly free to________ it.

A) deal with

B) comment on

C) cope with

D) dwell on

20. I was always taught that it was________ to interrupt.

A) rude

B) coarse

C) rough

D) crude


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