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2017 考博英语 阅读题源经济学人文章每日精析(六十)




How women rose to the top of American astronomy


Looking at the stars


The work of the ladies team of the Harvard Observatory


The Glass Universe: How the Ladies of the Harvard Observatory Took the Measure of the Stars. By Dava Sobel. Viking; 324 pages; $30. To be published in Britain by 4th Estate in January.

《玻璃宇宙:哈佛大学天文台的女性如何掌握了星球研究》一书由Dava Sobel所著、共324页、定价30美元,将于一月份由新闻界出版社在英国出版。

IN THE late 19th century an extraordinary group of women worked at the Harvard College Observatory. Known as “computers”, they charted the position ,and brightness of stars on a daily basis by applying mathematical formulae to the observations of their male colleagues who watched the sky. Harvard was unique in taking advantage of the burgeoning numbers of educated women in this way. When the observatory’s research was redirected towards photographing the heavens rather than observing them merely by eye, the duties of the “computers” expanded apace. Many of them would go on to extraordinary achievements in astronomy.


chart: v. 记录

formulae: n. 公式

burgeoning: adj. 迅速发展的

The work of Harvard’s female staff was paid for largely by two other women, Anna Palmer Draper and Catherine Wolfe Bruce, heiresses with an enduring interest in astronomy. Dava Sobel, a former science writer for the New York Times who made her name with her bestselling first book, “Longitude” (1995), has spent several years poring over letters and studying archives in order to tell the story of the women-astronomers and their benefactors.

杰出的哈佛女研究者主要有两个人值得一提--Anna Palmer Draper 和 Catherine Wolfe Bruce。作为天文学的继承人,她们一直对天文保持着长久不衰的兴趣。 该书的作者Dava Sobel是《纽约时代》的前任科学作家。她的第一部作品《经度》(1995年)的畅销使她为大众所熟知。此前她花了好几年时间钻研信件并研究档案,最后为我们讲述了一个女天文学家们和她们的支持者的故事。

heiresse: n. 女继承人

enduring: adj. 持久的

Longitude: n. 经度

benefactor: n. 捐助者

The introduction of photography at the Harvard Ovservatory allowed the firmament to be captured on an unprecedented scale on eight by ten-inch glass plates. These plates, about half a million in all by 1992, when the observatory switched to digital storage methods, comprise the “glass universe” of her book’s title. They allowed the course of stars to be followed not just for a few nights, but for decades. Discoveries made by astronomers on other continents could be cross-checked with Harvard’s library.Perhaps more important, when starlight was split with the aid of a prism its spectrum could likewise be recorded.


firmament: n. 天空

unprecedented: adj. 前所未有的

switch: v. 转变

comprise: v. 包括

These spectra resemble long rainbow-coloured strips (rendered in black and white on the plates’ photographic emulsion) interspersed with numerous dark lines. Scientists would come to understand that the gaps in a spectrum are due to the absorption of light by the atoms of chemical elements that compose a star’s outer layers. As one astronomer triumphantly declared, the ability to divine a star’s constituents from its spectrum “made the chemist’s arms millions of miles long”. Stellar spectroscopy would also reveal other physical attributes of stars such as their temperature, eventually giving rise to the new field of astrophysics.

这些光谱和彩虹很像,由色彩缤纷的条带(在相机胶卷中是黑白色的)伴随着大量的黑线散布开。如此科学家们发现,光谱空隙是由于星球外层的化学元素原子吸收光线而产生。一位天文学家自豪地宣布,根据光谱可探测星球成分这一发现“让化学家们的研究可伸展到地球几千万公里之外” 。星球光谱学还可揭示星辰的其他物理属性,如星球气候。这一系列的研究为天体物理学研究开拓出了一个新的领域。


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