2017 考博英语 阅读题源经济学人文章每日精析(四十一)
Out of the doghouse
The sharing economy’s latest trick is home-sharing for pooches
Companies such as Rover and DogVacay are disrupting the kennel business
Dec 3rd 2016 | SAN FRANCISCO
THE majority of Americans see their pets as family members, surveys show. Those with dogs are more likely to call themselves pet “parents” than canine “owners”. There are more of these parents than ever. In big cities such as San Francisco and Seattle, (owned) dogs outnumber children.
kennels ['ken(ə)l] 主人外出时的小动物寄养处
Rover DogVacay 宠物寄养平台
pooches [puːtʃ] n. 狗
Canine ['keɪnaɪn]:犬,犬齿
The ways in which companies are profiting from the trend are also multiplying. Not only is there organic dog food on offer, but packaged, raw food for dogs so they can follow a “paleo” diet reminiscent ofwhat their ancestors ate in the wild. A different sort of indulgence is orthopaedic pet mattresses. This year Americans spent more than $400m on Halloween costumes for pets.
Reminiscent of [remɪ'nɪs(ə)nt] :回忆
Indulgence [ɪn'dʌldʒ(ə)ns]:纵容,嗜好,沉溺
Orthopaedic [,ɔːθəʊ'piːdɪk]: 矫形的
Mattress ['mætrɪs]:床垫,褥子
Overall, annual spending on pet food and products in America has risen by around 40% over the past ten years, to $43bn—a remarkable rate of growth for an already large industry, says Jared Koerten ofEuromonitor, a research firm. Now a pack of startups has sniffed a fresh opportunity. Much asAirbnb has offered travellers an alternative to staying in a hotel, two firms, Rover and DogVacay, want to give pet owners an alternative to kennels when away from home.
总的说来,美国人每年在宠物食品和有关产品上的开销在过去10年间已经上涨了约40%,达到430亿美元。一家名为Euromonitor研究公司的Jared Koerten表示,这个增长率对于体量已然极其庞大的行业来说是惊人的。现在,一群创业公司已经嗅到了商机。就像Airbnb已经为旅行者提供了另外一种入住酒店的方式, Rover和DogVacay这两家公司打算为宠物饲主出远门时提供一种全新的寄养方式。
sniff [snɪf] 吸气
Airbnb 一个旅行房屋租赁社区
Customers search for a nearby sitter and pay for their dog to stay in that person’s home. The cost is around $30 a night, with the majority of that going to the sitter and around a fifth to the company—much less than you would spend to check your dog into a kennel.