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2017 考博英语 阅读题源经济学人文章每日精析(六)


Wells Fargo’s boss stands down富国银行CEO辞职下台


What a scandal says about Americans’ attitude towards banks丑闻中窥视美国对银行的态度

Oct 15th 2016 | NEW YORK | From the print edition

Wells Fargo 富国银行;美国富国银行集团

Retired hurt退休的痛

WHEN you consider the hundreds of billions of dollars of losses and fines that the banking industry has made or incurred over the past decade, the affair that has just ended the career of John Stumpf, the boss of Wells Fargo, may at first seem innocuous. In September Wells admitted that its retail-banking sales people had been too pushy, and agreed to pay regulators a $185m fine, a tiny sum by recent standards (Deutsche Bank is presently in negotiations to pay a fine of perhaps $5 billion to American regulators). Mr Stumpf probably thought that he had a couple more happy years to go as the head of the world’s most valuable bank.


Incurred:遭受,招致innocuous adj. 无害的;无伤大雅的;平淡无味的retail banking 小额银行业务pushy adj. 有进取心的;爱出风头的;有冲劲的;固执己见的Deutsche Bank n. 德意志银行(公司名,财富500强公司之一,总部所在地德国,主要经营银行)

But on October 12th, he stepped down after being roasted alive for weeks in an inferno of criticism. Wells’s transgressions have caught the public mood far more thanesoteric abuses in the mortgage-backed-security market ever did. The bank admitted that its staff created up to 2m bogus accounts, without customers’ permission, in order to meet aggressive sales targets. To many Americans fed up with banks’ red tape andlousy service that seemed reckless, unforgivable and possibly criminal.


inferno n. 阴间,地狱transgression 犯罪;违反esoteric adj. 秘传的;限于圈内人的;难懂的mortgage-backed-security 抵押担保债券bogus adj. 假的;伪造的red tape n. 繁文缛节;官样文章lousy adj. 讨厌的;多虱的;污秽的;极坏的reckless adj. 鲁莽的,不顾后果的;粗心大意的

Wells had already sacrificed some lambs, having fired over 5,000 employees involved in the fake accounts, and engineered the retirement, in July, of the executive in charge of its retail arm. But over the course of the past month the pressure grew on Mr Stumpf, whoforfeited $41m in compensation. He was savaged in a congressional hearing, where he said that he, as chief executive, was accountable to the board, of which he was chairman. Politicians asked why bank regulators took the mass fabrication of accounts so lightly. Chicago’s city council said it would boycott the bank. Eventually the episode began tosqueeze the bank where it really hurt: its share price. Wells’s market capitalisation has dropped by $25 billion since the start of September, and it has lost the global top spot toJPMorgan Chase.


forfeit n. 罚金;没收物;丧失的东西compensation n. 补偿;报酬;赔偿金savage vt. 乱咬;粗暴的对待congressional adj. 国会的;会议的;议会的be accountable to 对……负有责任fabrication n. 制造,建造;装配;伪造物council n. 委员会;会议;理事会;地方议会;顾问班子boycott n. 联合抵制episode n. 插曲;一段情节;插话;有趣的事件squeeze vt. 挤;紧握;勒索capitalisation n. 市值(等于capitalization);(英)资本化JPMorgan Chase 摩根大通公司

Wells will hope that the scandal will now pass. Mr Stumpf has been replaced as chief executive by Tim Sloan, a bank veteran. Unusually for a big American bank, it will now have a non-executive chairman, Stephen Sanger. Despite the fake accounts scandal, the bank is in decent condition. It sailed through the 2008-10 crisis, buying a distressed competitor,Wachovia, and is profitable and well capitalised. It is relatively simple and focused on America.


Non-executive n. 非执行董事;非执行理事Wachovia n. 美联银行well capitalised:资金充裕的。

Even so, investigations and legal cases relating to the affair will simmer for years. The hostility comes from both left and right. Elizabeth Warren, a left-wing senator, hasdenounced the bank in furious terms. But so has Jeb Hensarling, alibertarian congressman in charge of the House Financial Services Committee, who has previously argued that banks are over-regulated. He has said his committee’s inquiry into the bank will continue.


Simmer vi. 炖;内心充满;即将爆发denounce vt. 谴责;告发;公然抨击;通告废除furious adj. 激烈的;狂怒的;热烈兴奋的;喧闹的libertarian adj. 自由的;自由论者的;持自由论的

For the rest of the industry, the Wells affair has three lessons. First, the cumulative effect of bank scandals and a mood of populism means (说明主语为the effect)that the environment may still be as dangerous as immediately after the 2008-10 crisis. Investors are worried that scandals they once would have viewed as minor can spiral out of control. Amesh of litigation, boycotts and bad publicity can damage long-term profits.

对银行业的其他同行来说,富国银行的丑闻有三点启发。第一,银行丑闻和平民主义氛围的累加效应意味着, 在2008-2010年的金融危机过后,金融市场环境依然可能立马变得危机四伏。期待您的翻译。陷入官司、遭遇联合抵制以及公关不利的窘境都可能破坏长期的利益。

Cumulative:累积的;加重的。Populism:平民主义,平民论。Mesh n. 网眼;网丝;圈套litigation n. 诉讼;起诉

Second, banks may need to make their boards more independent, to create afirebreak when executives mess up. Wells Fargo is not the first big bank to split the chairman and chief-executive roles—Citigroup did in 2007. But JPMorganChase, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs are still ruled by all-powerful figures, such as Jamie Dimon (JPMorganChase) and James Gorman (Morgan Stanley). That is now harder to justify


Firebreak:防火墙。Citigroup n. 花旗集团(金融公司,总部设于美国)

The final lesson is for those all-powerful figures. Mr Stumpf was a highly regarded figure in the industry, and Wells viewed as a well-run firm. Yet, at best, he seems to have been unable to control the workings of his organisation, with its $2 trillion balance-sheet and 265,000 staff. Several other banks are as big as Wells and almost all are more complex than it, straddling lots of different countries. It seems unlikely that Wells Fargo is the only one that has become a nightmare to manage.



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