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Anthony Gonzalez Born in Los Angeles California, Anthony Gonzalez grew fond of music at a very young age, learning how to sing from his father, a venerable tenor well versed in Spanish and Mexican folk music. Having studied piano, guitar and percussion, Anthony was accepted to the Professional Diploma program at Escuela de Bellas Artes de Mexico at age 8. Before long, Anthony was touring the concert halls of Mexico as the assistant percussionist with the State of Mexico Symphony Orchestra.
After moving back to the US, Anthony became the principal percussionist for San Diego Youth Symphony and San Diego Young Artist Orchestra, touring Europe and the Americas. During Anthony’s time in San Diego, he won the San Diego Symphony Young Artist Concerto Competition, as the first Marimba player to do so in the competition’s history.Continuing his pursuance of music, Anthony was accepted to The Juilliard School of Music. Over 200 performances at Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall and Broadway, as musician, conductor and composer, Anthony was awarded master’s degree in music. Anthony’s teachers are all top masters of all styles of music from around the world.
After graduation, Anthony was hired by the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra and relocated to China. Functioning as Principal Percussionist and Principal Timpanist, Anthony became the youngest musician in the world to be given two principal roles in a professional Orchestra.
  Anthony’s students have been accepted to Conservatories and Universities like: The Juilliard School and Juilliard Pre-College, Curtis Institute of Music, Manhattan School of Music, Boston Conservatory, Yale School of Music, and other top Schools in California, Texas, and Florida.
Anthony has been the director of education at “IPAC” International Performing Arts Center. He also functions as music producer for “On The Rocks Music Studios” and “Conde Records”. He is currently the Director of Percussion Studio at XingHai Conservatory of Music. 
   安东尼·甘撒勒斯出生于美国加利福尼亚洲的洛杉矶,幼年喜爱音乐,在熟悉西班牙和墨西哥民谣的男高音父亲的指导下学习声乐,并随后接触钢琴,吉他与打击乐。安东尼于8岁时成为墨西哥艺术音乐学院专业文凭教程的学生,移居墨西哥,并于数年内出任墨西哥国家交响乐团之助理打击乐手, 多次巡回于墨西哥国内之众多音乐厅。
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