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   1987年在国际上首先提出“Fuzzy几何规划”,已在:Fuzzy Sets and Systems,Chinese Science Bulletin,《科学通报》,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Systems Science,Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, J.of Fuzzy Mathematics,Proc of Fuzzy-IEEE on Systems, Advances in Systems Science and Applications,《中国工程科学》,BUSEFAL,Proc of NAFIPS,《数理统计与应用概率》,《模糊系统与数学》,《应用数学》,《经济数学》,《湖南数学年刊》,《系统工程的理论与实践》,《应用数学与计算数学学报》等刊物上发表学术论文100余篇,30余篇被国际三大索引SCI、EI、ISTP收录,另有22余篇被引用后再被SCI索引。专著,主编教材、论文集10本,国际杂志专刊2本;由世界著名的Kluwer Academic Publishers、Springer Science Business、国内权威的科学出版社等出版。尤其是:Kluwer Academic Publishers出版社2003年作为国际应用优化系列丛书出版的本人专著Fuzzy Geometric Programming, 中科院院士、原北京师范大学校长王梓坤教授评价其为国际前沿的先进水平。《美国数学评论》、《西德数学文摘》评价其为原创性工作。
  1999年,组织领导学校参加全国大学生数学建模竟赛,获得全国一等奖,得到原教育部周远清副部长的赞扬。指导全国大学生数学建模竟赛并获得国家二等奖,省二、三等奖多项。指导本科生毕业论文多篇获评优秀,培养了硕士生多名,并招收了Fuzzy几何规划的博士生。他们的论文多篇被SCI, EI, ISTP索引。
  业绩录入Who's Who in the World,《世界名人录》和人民画报《共和国专家成就博览》(世纪珍藏版)等多部大典之中。
  [1] 曹炳元著:Optimal Models and Methods with Fuzzy Quantity,Springer Science
  [2] 曹炳元著:Fuzzy Geometric Programming,Kluwer Acadmic Publishers,2002.10.
  [3] 曹炳元主编:《应用概率统计教程》,科学出版社出版(2005年).
  [4] 曹炳元著:《应用模糊数学与系统》,科学出版社出版(2005年).
  [1] 曹炳元,不分明自回归预测模型的研究,科学通报,Vol.34, No.17, 1989, 1291-1294, SCI、EI索引。
  [2] Cao Bingyuan, Study on No-distinct Self-regression Forecast Model, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.35, No.13, 1990, 1057-1062. SCI、EI索引。
  [3] Cao Bingyuan, Fuzzy geometric programming(I), Int.J. of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.53, No.2,1993, 135-154. SCI、EI索引。
  [4] Cao Bingyuan, Input-output mathematical model with T-fuzzy data, Int. J. of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.59, No.1, 1993, 15-23. SCI、EI索引。
  [5] Cao Bingyuan}, Posynomial geometry programming with L-R fuzzy coefficients, Int. J. of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.67, No.3, 1994, 267-276. SCI、EI。
  [6] Cao Bingyuan, New model with T-fuzzy variations in linear programming, Int. J. of Fuzzy Sets and Systems,Vol.78, No.3, 1996, 289-292. SCI索引。
  [7] Cao Bingyuan}. Lagrange problem in fuzzy reversed posynomial geometric programming, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,Springer-Verlag GmbH, Volume 3614/2005: 546-550.SCI, EI, ISTP索引.
  [8] Yunfeng Tan, Bing-yuan Cao*. Another discussion about optimal solution to fuzzy constraints linear programming, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag GmbH, Volume 3613/2005: 156-159.SCI, EI, ISTP索引.
  [9] Cao Bingyuan, Research For Fuzzy Duoma debt model and its fuzzy solution, Systems Science, Vol.29, No.3, 2003, 81-93. EI索引。
  [10] Cao Bingyuan. Power supply radius optimized with fuzzy geometric program in substation, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making,Springer Science Business Media. Inc., vol.5, no.2, 2006,123-139.EI索引。
  [11] Cao Bingyuan, Extended fuzzy geometric programming, J. of Fuzzy Mathematics, Vol.1, No.2 (USA), 1993, 285-293。
  [12] Cao Bingyuan, Fuzzy geometric programming(II), J. of Fuzzy Mathematics, Vol.4, No.1, 1996, 119-129。
  [13] Cao Bingyuan, Research for a geometric programming model with T-fuzzy variations, J. of Fuzzy Mathematics, Vol.5, No.3, 1997, 625-632。
  [14] Cao Bingyuan, Variation of functional condition extremum with fuzzy variable, J. of Fuzzy Mathematics, Vol.7, No. 3, 1999, 559-564。
  [15] Cao Bingyuan, Regression Model with T-fuzzy Variables and Its Application in the Energy Sources Forecast, J.of Fuzzy Mathematics, Vol.8, No.4, 2000,845-816.
  [16] Cao Bingyuan, Variation of Condition Extremum in Interval and Fuzzy Valued Functional, J.of Fuzzy Math. 2001, Vol.9,No.4,2001, 845-851.
  [17] Cao Bingyuan, Variation of Interval-Valued and Fuzzy Functional, J.of Fuzzy Math. 2002, Vol.10,No.4,2002,797-808.
  [18] Cao Bingyuan, Multi-objective Linear Programming with T-fuzzy Variables,J.of Fuzzy Mathematics, USA, 12 (2004), no. 2, 425—431。
  [19] Cao Bingyuan. New proof to first dual theorem on fuzzy posynomial geometric programming, J. of Fuzzy Mathematics, 14(2006), no.1, 1-14.
  [20] Cao Bingyuan. Regression analysis models with type-(., c) fuzzy variables, J.of Fuzzy Mathematics, 14(2006), no.2, 441-449.
  [21] Cao Bingyuan, Fuzzy geometric programming optimum seeking of scheme for waste-water disposal in power plant, Proceedings of the Fuzz-IEEE/IFES'95 Conference,Yokohama,Japan, Vol.5, 1995,793-798. EI索引.
  [22] Cao Bingyuan, Fuzzy geometric programming optimum seeking in power supply radius of transformer subsation, Proceedings of the Fuzz-IEEE'99 Conference, Seoul, Korea, Vol.3, 1999, 1749-1753. EI索引。
  [23] Cao Bingyuan, Primal Algorithm of Fuzzy Posynormial Geometric Program, Joint 9th IFSA and 20th NAFIPS Congress Poc,2001, 31-34,EI索引。
  [24] Cao Bingyuan. Multi-objective Linear Programming Model with T-fuzzy Variables,Proceedings of SCI'2002, Vol.VIII, 2002, 7-10. EI、ISTP索引。
  [25] Cao Bingyuan, Reverse Geometric Programming with Fuzzy Coefficient and Its Application in Chemical Industry Production Cost Analysis, Proceedings of the Fuzz-IEEE'03 Conference, 2003, 1311-1316, EI、ISTP索引。
  [26] Cao Bingyuan, Fuzzy Allotment Model in Water and Electricity Resources Shortage and Its Application Software, Proceedings of the Fuzz-IEEE'03
  Conference, 2003, 1317-1320,EI,ISTP索引。
  [27] Cao Bingyuan,Multi-objective Geometric Programming with T-Fuzzy Vari
  ables,22nd Int. Conference of NAFIPS Proceedings,2003,456-461,ISTP 收录。
  [28] Cao Bingyuan, Geometric Programming with Trapezoidal Fuzzy Variables, 23nd Int. Conference of NAFIPS Proceedings,Vol.2,2004, 826-831, EI、ISTP索引。
  [29] Cao Bingyuan, Regression and Self-Regression Models with Type-(., c) Fuzzy Data. 23nd Int. Conference of NAFIPS Proceedings,Vol.1,2004,335-338, EI、
  [30] Cao Bingyuan. Research of Non-distinct Solow Economic Growth Model,Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing,Vol 2,2005, 393-396.EI、ISTP索引。
  [31] 曹炳元, 含fuzzy数据的一类回归预测模型的探讨, 数理统计与应用概率, Vol.4, No.2, 1989, 182-189.
  [32] 曹炳元, 含T-fuzzy数据的聚类和识别模型,数理统计与应用概率,Vol.11, No.4, 1996, 317-325。
  [33] 曹炳元, 可线性化的含T-fuzzy数据的非线性回归预测模型, 模糊系统与数学, Vol.7, No.2, 1993, 43-53。
  [34] 曹炳元, Fuzzy正项几何规划的分类及相应类的性质, 模糊系统与数学, Vol.9, No.4, 1995, 60-64.
  [35] 曹炳元,Fuzzy 正项几何规划的直接算法, 模糊系统与数学, 2002。
  [36] 曹炳元, 含Fuzzy系数的正项几何规划的进一步研究, 应用数学, Vol.5, No.4, 1992, 119-120.
  [37] 曹炳元,几类不分明多目标几何规划,湖南数学年刊,Vol.15, No.1, 1995,99-106。
  [39] 曹炳元, 经济供电半径的Fuzzy几何规划模型,中国工程科学,No. 3,2001,52-55.
  [40] 曹炳元, 几何规划和fuzzy几何规划在供电半径选择中应用, 系统工程理论与实践, No.5, 2001,92-95.
  [41] Cao Bingyuan, Antinomy in Posynomial Geometric programming, Advances in Systems Science and Applications, USA, ISSN 1078-6236, Vol.4, 1, 2004: 7-12。
  [42] Cao Bingyuan,He Yi,Grey Quantification Analyzing And Forecasting On Industry Technique Progress, Proceedings Of 2003 International Conference On Neural Networks & Signal Processing, Vol.1,526-529,2003,ISTP索引。
  [43] Zhangxia Zhu, Bingyuan Cao, A New Method to the Fuzzy LinearRegression with Triangular Fuzzy Numbers, 23nd Int. Conference of NAFIPS Proceedings, Vol.1,2004,339-342.EI、ISTP索引。
  [44] Yang,Ji-Hui,Cao Bingyuan,Geometric Programming with Fuzzy Relation 方Equation Constraints,Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2005, 557-560.EI、ISTP索引。
  [45] Yang, Jihui,Cao Bingyuan,Geometric Programming with Max-Product Fuzzy Relation Equation Constraints,The 2005 International Conference of NAFIPS Proceedings,2005,650-653.EI、ISTP索引。
  [44] Qiupeng Gu,Cao Bingyuan, Approach to Linear Programming with Fuzzy Coefficients Based on Fuzzy Numbers Distance,Proceedings of 2005 IEEE   International Conference on Granular Computing,Vol.2,2005,447-450.EI、ISTP索引。
  [46] 杨吉会,曹炳元,取大乘积型模糊关系几何规划,应用数学与计算数学学报, Vol.19, no.2,2005,79-84.
[47] 杨吉会,曹炳元,模糊关系几何规划,模糊系统与数学. Vol.20, no.3, 2006, 110-115.
  1. 电力系统管理中的模糊几何规划的理论与方法,1997.1-1999.12年,国家自然科学基金资助项目(79670012)。 
  2. 短缺资源模糊分配模型及应用软件,1994-1996年,湖南省科委科研基金资助。
  3. 地方国有企业科技进步评价体系及Fuzzy积分评价法研究,1997-1999年,湖南省科委项目。
  4. 面向21世纪数学本科教学内容、课程和方法的改革,1997-2000年,湖南省教委科研项目。
  5. 概率论与数理统计课程研究,1997-2002年,广东省高教厅重点课程项目。
  6. 应用数学类专业教学内容和课程体系改革研究,1998-2002年,教育部项目。
  7. 管理中普遍型模糊几何规划及优化技术,2003.1-2005.12年,国家自然科学基金资助项目(70271047).
  1. 2005年获广东省自然科学奖三等奖 (唯一主持人)。
  2. 2003年获广东省自然科学优秀论文奖三等奖(唯一主持人)。
  3. 1997年获曾宪梓全国师范院校教育基金教师奖(唯一主持人)。
  4. 1997年获湖南省教委科技进步三等奖(唯一主持人)。
  1.   短缺资源模糊分配模型及应用软件,1996年鉴定为国内先进水平。
  2.   模糊几何规划,2004年鉴定为国际前沿的先进水平。
  1. Session chairman. Informs International Conference,Hong Kong, June 25-28,2006.
  2. Committee member and Session chairman. The Eighth National Conference of Operations
  Research Society of China, Shenzhen, June 30-July 2, 2006.
  3. Conference chairs. Fuzzy Information and Engineering Branch in ORSC Establishment and Its Conference, Guangzhou, China Aug. 21-24. 2005.
  4. 2005年:Congress report, Conference on Fuzzy Information and Engineering, August 20-23, Guangzhou, China.
  5. Congress executive chairman and Congress report,. IIGSS-CB the 4th –Workshop on Fuzzy Systems and Engineering, Dalian China, January 6-9, 2004.
  6. Session chairman. 16th International Conference on Systems Engineering,Coventry UK, 9-11 September, 2003.
  7. 2000.12-2001.2 , Visiting Professor, Hongkong University.
  8. 2001年7月出席Joint 9th IFSA and 20th NAFIPS Congress,并宣读论文, 温哥华.
  9. 2000年:Report invited, invited by Hong Kong Scientific and Technical University.
  10. Session chairman. The Sixth National Conference of Operations Research Society of China, Changsha, October 10-15, 2000.
  11. Session chairmen. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1999. IEEE SMC '99 Conference, Tokyo, Japan, October 12-15, 1999.
  12. 1999年8月出席Fuzz-IEEE'99 Conference, 并宣读论文, Seoul, Korea.
  13. 1987年7月出席2nd I.F.S.A Conference, 并宣读论文, Tokyo, Japan.
  14. CSFMS Achievement Conference, Dayong, China. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1992.(SCI收录).
  15. Preface. Proceedings of the Results Congress on Fuzzy Mathematics and Systems, Hunan Science Technology Press, Changsha, China, 1992.
  16. Preface. Proceedings of the Math. and Its Application, Meteorological Press, Beijing, China, 1995.
  17. Preface. Fuzzy Information and Engineering, Special Issue, California Polytechnic State University, 2006.1.
  18. Preface. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, Special Issue, Springer Science Business, 2006.3.
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